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calum hums softly as he makes breakfast. paxton was playing, off to the side, while babbling on.

"hey, babe, breakfast is almost ready!" calum calls out, cutting the pieces of toast into triangles. eggs and bacon rested on the plate next to the toast, and calum felt proud for preparing such a good breakfast for his loving husband.

"okay, im coming!"

calum sets the knife down in the sink, grabs the plates, and turns around so he could set them on the table. expect, calum forgets he's a clutz, and is painfully reminded as he trips over his own feet, and goes crashing down on the floor. playes shatter loudly, and food goes everywhere. a loud gasp is ripped from calums lungs as he sits up, and turns to look at paxton, who was a safe distance away.

"is everything okay?!" ashton yells, rushing into the kitchen, right down to calums side.

calum isn't worried about the food, or himself for that matter. what he's worried about is paxton.

"a-ash," calum says, softly hitting ashtons arm as he stares at paxton, not willing to look away.

"what, honey? what is it? are you bleeding?" ashton asks, completely focused on calum.

"no, look at paxton!"

ashton turns his head, and frowns. paxton was playing, seeming completely unaware of what just happened. they both just stare at him, not sure what they should do.

"paxton," calum says loudly. they both watch as paxton doesnt turn his head, and doesn't even acknowledge him.

"paxton, sweetie," ashton says, a bit louder. paxton just continues to play. calum, in the heat of the moment, grabs part of the broken plate, and smashes it against the floor so it made a loud banging noise.

paxton just keeps playing, and calum isn't sure if he just doesn't hear them or if he's just ignoring them, or what. all calum knows is that something was wrong.

"a-ashton," calum stutters, tears forming in his eyes. ashton just holds his finger out to calum, and walks towards paxton, who was still playing. ashton puts his hands right behind paxtons head, and claps loudly a couple times.

paxton still just plays.

"it makes sense," ashton says, turning to calum, "you've noticed it before, right?"

ashtons noticed it, but they were all so small and paxton is just a baby so ashton had pushed the thought to the side. there were times when he would go into paxtons room to get him, and paxton wouldn't notice until he was being picked up by his daddy.

"we need to take him to the doctor," calum sniffs, watching ashton pick a happy paxton up. ashton smiles at paxton, and kisses his head.

"we'll make an appointment, okay?" ashton asks softly, "so-"

"im gonna call now," calum says, rushing up and into the other room so he could make an appointment. ashton sighs, and holds his finger out for paxton.

"you got mama all worried, huh?" ashton says, smiling as paxton tries to pull on ashtons finger, "you're my silly baby. i love you, paxton."

the babbling he gets in response is all he needs.


"okay, what seems to be the issue today?" the doctor asks, sitting across from calum, who was holding paxton.

"so, i kinda fell the other day, and was really loud in doing so, and paxton didn't get hurt! not at all...he just, he didn't even turn around. like, out of all the noise we made, he didn't turn around to look at all," calum explains.

"i can also say that there's been times where i go into his room to get him, and he doesn't notice me until im picking him up. i thought it was just because he was a baby..." ashton trails off, biting his lip.

the doctor writes it down, and then looks at the two, "it sounds like paxton, as you both already know, may be deaf. i can do some tests and see what comes back. when he was screened as a newborn, he was fine. so, let me run some tests, gather some data, and then we'll go from there, okay?"

"okay, doc," calum says, watching as paxton happily sucked on his paci. calum didnt know why, being deaf wasn't the end of the world...but he was looking forward to hearing his baby talk, and hear paxtons voice grow through the years.

"alright, so go ahead and lay him on the table, and i'll go grab what i need."

"thank you, doctor."


okay, i haven't done too much research on deaf babies, but i had this thought like yesterday, and idk. i just thought it fit better than what i was planning on doing
comments? predictions?
love u!

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