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ashton felt numb as he sat, once again, in the waiting room of the hospital as he waited for calum to get out of surgery. it always felt like one thing after another, and ashton didnt know half of these medical things even existed. the fetus did this, the fetus doesnt have space, the fetus blah blah blah.

that's how ashton felt. blah.

this time, the doctor explained how the fetus is rejecting the medicine to help it grow, which in terms was another attack on calums body. so, he started to bleed out, and he bled out quick. which sent him into some sort of shock, since his body had lost so much blood.

they had to stop the medication, start a new one, and stop the bleeding.

there was so much going on, and it was times like this where ashton didn't know if he wanted the baby. the baby was causing calum so much pain and suffering, and all ashton wanted calum to be was happy and healthy. this baby...ashton just had his doubts.

"family for calum hood?"

"hey, doc," ashton says, rushing up and over to the man wearing the white doctors jacket, "how is he?"

"calum will be okay," the doctor says, "so dont worry, okay? he's just fine."

ashton nods, letting the words soak into his sink. calum would be fine. just fine. fine, like he wasnt technically dying on a hospital bed right now. ashton pushed those thoughts to the side.

"did you want to go see him? he should be waking up soon," the doctor says, pushing the door open that lead back to other rooms. ashton just nods again, and follows the doctor back to his room.

"so, as you know my colleague and i have done lots of research since calum has come into our care," the doctor says, pushing calums door open, "and i have something i would like to discuss with you boys."

"okay, that's fine," ashton says, walking into calums room, "did you want to talk about that now?"

"i'll give you boys ten minutes together, and then i'll come back and we'll talk, how does that sound?"

"good. thank you," ashton says, flashing the doctor a happysad smile. the doctor leaves, and then ashton turns to calum, who is sleepily looking at ashton like he was slowly remembering who he was.

"hey, baby," calum hums, and raises one hand, "i missed you."

"i missed you too," ashton says, taking his normal seat next to calums bed, "how are you feeling? okay?"

"im fine, ash," calum says, a sleepy smile on his face, "you worry too much."

i worry because you mean so much to me

"i just want to make sure you're okay," ashton says quietly, laying his hand on calums cheek, "the doctor wants to talk to us."

"oh?" calum says, and rubs his cheek into ashtons hand, "do you know what he wants to talk about?"

"i have no idea," ashton says, going to lay his other hand on calums still very pregnant stomach. calum feels butterflies at the touch.

they sit together, mostly in silence as they wait for the doctor to come back in. it feels like forever to ashton, but like seconds to calum.

"hello again, calum and ashton," the doctor says, pulling up a chair at the end of calums bed. he sits down, and ashton feels something not good in his gut.

"so, my colleague and i have been doing a lot of research and reading," the doctor starts, "and, i dont want to scare you boys, but it has to be said. calum, this baby is slowly killing you. as we get closer to your due date, the risk increases. you know this. the bigger the baby gets, the more the baby can ruin your insides. it very well may kill you. this baby is also taking every nutrition it can.  you're not getting much, calum. we need to keep you healthy while we keep the baby healthy as well. now, there is something else i wanted to mention..."

the doctor trails off, biting his lip.

"okay, is it bad?" ashton asks, squeezing calums hand. calum squeezes ashtons hand just as tight.

"it's about a procedure we can do, after the pregnancy if everything goes well."

"what kind of procedure?" calum whispers, feeling his heart lurch up in his throat.

"well, basically my colleague and i use the same small camera we did before. we would go through your anus, and we would basically search all over your rectum for eggs. every egg we would find, we would remove, that way you would never be able to get pregnant again. this procedure would take a lot of time, and we would do ultrasounds to make sure we got all the eggs out."

"how does that even work?" ashton asks, "like, how does he even have eggs? what are they doing? how are they even still like...working?"

"calum was born with them," the doctor explains, "now, how he was born with them, i dont know. all i can say is, he doesn't have as many eggs as a female should have, and obviously he doesn't have the female reproductive system. the eggs just happened to be good, and your sperm latched onto one."

ashton turns to calum, who was silently crying.

"i'll give you boys some time. just let me know, okay?" he says, and then exits the room, so calum and ashton could be alone.


poor cal ):
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