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when calum wakes up the next morning, he snuggles back into the warm body behind him, and is immediately woken up when the butt plug, that he forgot was still inside him, shifts and rests right against his prostate.

"oh, fuck," calum whines, his voice deep and crackly from just being asleep. ashtons still snoring away behind him, which doesn't surprise calum. since calum was already half hard, it doesnt take much til he's completely hard and leaking against his tummy. so, he tosses the blanket off his body, and hooks his leg over ashtons so he's spread open.

calum pushes back against ashtons thigh, which makes the plug move, which makes calum sigh in bliss. it felt really good.

"cal?" ashton groans, grabbing onto calums thigh that was hooked over his waist.

"come on, please," calum whimpers, "so hard. fuck me."

"fuck," ashton whines, and rolls over so he's between calums legs, "you're so hard, baby. what's got you so riled up?"

calum whines, throwing his head back, "can still feel you inside me, ash, please-"

"excuse me?"

"nngh," calum whines, "daddy. please, fuck me. fuck me so hard, come inside me again. im your cum slut, daddy."

"yeah, you are a come slut," ashton growls. he lays down between calums legs, and pushes on his thighs. calum gets the memo, and lifts his thighs to his chest so ashton had the whole view.

"oh, shit," calum moans when he feels ashton pulling the plug out of him. it makes an obscene popping noise, and ashtons eyes widen when some of his come starts to leak out of him.

"look at your swollen, open hole," ashton says, inching closer to him, "it's just giving up my come so easily. i thought you wanted my come, slut? why are you letting it leak out of you if you wanted it so bad?"

"im sorry, daddy," calum whimpers, feeling ashtons warm breath over his sensitive hole. a loud, high pitched cry escapes calum when he feels ashtons tongue run over his rim.

"so good," ashton growls, dipping his head back down between calums cheeks. he licks over the swollen rim again and again, licking up all the come that's leaking out of calum. after a dozen swipes of ashtons flat tongue over his hole, calums thighs are shaking around ashtons head, and his hole is clenching and unclenching uncontrollably.

"g-get on with it," calum hisses, whining when ashton dips his tongue into him. just for the sassy comment, ashton wraps his arms around calums thighs to hold him steady, and he starts fucking calum with his tongue. loud whimpers and moans echo the room, and calums bucking his ass up into ashtons face.

"fuck me!" calum cries, harshly pulling on ashtons hair. ashton pants, the burn from calums hand evident as he shakes his head, trying to get calums hand to let go. once he does, ashton sits up.

"face down, ass up slut," ashton growls, slapping the side of his thigh. calums never moved so fast in his life. once he's in position, ashton lines himself up and roughly pushes in.

"oh, fuck," calum whines, biting the soft sheets below him.

"still so fucking tight, even with a plug in you," ashton growls, starting to thrust into him, "you're such a cock slut huh? my cock slut?"

"yes, daddy!" calum wails, "im your cock slut!"

"such a bitch," ashton moans. calums moans get louder as ashtons thrusts get faster. soon enough, the headboard is hitting the wall hard and fast, and calums ass is light pink.

"want me to fill you up again?" ashton growls, pounding into calums sore ass, "want me to breed you like the bitch you are?"

"p-please!" calum cries, pushing his ass back so painfully against ashtons dick. with each thrust, he feels like his ass is getting fucked open a little more. calum wouldnt have it any other way, though. he would have ashtons dick in him everyday, tearing him apart.

a loud smack echoes the room, along with a cry from calum.

"you have such a fat ass," ashton grunts, holding the thick cheeks in his hands, "fuck, k want my face buried between these cheeks. want you to suffocate me, babe."

with one more squeeze to calums ass cheeks, calums squirting come all over the bedsheets below him with a loud shout. calum tightening around ashton, making it feel so good, makes him come after a dozen more thrusts.

calum moans louder when he feels ashton come inside him.

once they catch their breaths, ashton slowly pulls out and watches his come start to leak out of calums abused hole. the older works quickly with putting the plug back into calum.

"a-ash," calum whines at the sensitivity, but relaxes when it isnt moving inside him anymore.

"what would you say to a shower, love?"

"i can't stand,"


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