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realistically, this would NEVER happen, but this is just a book so go with it

the doctor did all his normal check up tasks, then felt all over calums stomach. since he didnt have any real symptoms, besides the flu, he needed to dig deeper and see why calum was having so much trouble.

so when he felt calums lower stomach, around where his bladder was, he clicked his tongue and pressed down a couple more times. 

"this is hard,"

"is it not suppose to be?" ashton asks quickly, just hoping something would provide an answer.

"no, it shouldn't be," he says, and then proceeds to throw his gloves away, "im going to go get a small little device, that's gonna act, well, basically like a ultrasound machine. im hoping it can show me more of what that is, and why that little hard spot is causing you so much pain."

calum nods, "thank you."

the doctor then leaves, making calum turn to ashton.

"i hate wearing this stupid gowns,"

"i know, love. but soon enough we'll be leaving and you can put all your clothes on," ashton says with a soft smile, patting all of calums clothes that were piled in the chair next to him. calum blushes, still upset with the fact that he had to be completely naked under the stupid blue gown.

"i hope this ultrasound gives us some answers," calum mumbles.

"me too, love. me too."

"will you hold my hand while he does it?"

"of course, cali."

soon enough, the doctor is coming back in the room, wheeling a semi big device behind him. he sets the device next to where calum is laid, and then sits back down on his little circle chair with wheels.

"alright, calum, im going to need you to lift your gown up to your chest," the doctor says, grabbing out a little blue sheet. calum stutters for a couple seconds, watching the doctor open the sheet all the way. it was big enough to cover his lower region, and that's all that mattered to calum.

the younger boy sighs, and lifts the gown up to his chest, then immediately reaches for ashtons hand. calum keeps his eyes on ashton as the doc lays the sheet across his private area.

calum holds ashtons hand the whole time as the doc pours some cool liquid around the area on his pelvis, and then starts to move a wand across it. calums eyes stare at ashton, while ashton and the doc look at the screen.

"there, you see that?" the doc says, pointing to a white blob on the screen. ashton and calum had absolutely no clue how to read that and what it even was, so they waited for the doctor to explain.

"that, calum, shouldnt be there," the doctor says, slowling rubbing the wand over his skin, "it isnt a tumor...im not sure what that is. i have to look at it further."

the doc hits a couple buttons, and then removes the wand from calums skin.

"what do you mean, look at it further?" calum mumbles, watching the doc clean up the liquid. he doesn't answer for a couple minutes, not until the machine is off.

"calum, look, i just need you to think about it," the doctor says, sitting down so he could look at both boys, "that, whatever it is, shouldn't be there and im almost positive its rendering you so sick. i need to, let me explain it this way, there's this medical tool with a small camera that i would use, and basically i would insert it through your anus, and see what that is better."

"no!" calum gasps, completely horrified.

"calum," ashton says, turning to him, "do you wanna spend the rest of your life like this?"

"no...," calum mumbles, then turns to the doc, "when could you do that?"

"oh, i would do it now. with all of this put together, we arent waiting any longer. this looks serious."

calum just sputters, so ashton speaks for him, "thank you, doctor. we appreciate it so much."

"no problem. let me go put this away, and i'll go grab the tools i need."


calum feels himself shake as he doctor lifts the leg stands up, and secures them into place.

"go ahead, move your legs up and press your feet flat to the surface," the doctor says. calum does what is told, and cant stop the blush from creeping up his neck. he was basically in a gyno chair. once his feet are resting against the metal surface, the doc straps his ankles in place so he cant move them.

"is that necessary?" ashton asks, holding calums hand as he watches the doc gently lay another sheet over calums crouch.

"yes, it does get very uncomfortable and most people tend to close their legs while the camera is in, and it just causes more trouble,"

calum takes a deep breath, and squeezes ashtons hand. the doc gets his gloves on, and then squeezes some lube onto his finger.

"alright, so im going to apply some lube to your anus, and then im going to insert the camera. just take a deep breath, calum. try not to think about it."

the screen is turned away from both boys, so only the doc can see. but, unfortunately calum can see when the doc goes to rub the lube over his hole, and jumps even at the contact.

"oh, no," calum whines, sitting up a bit when he sees the long, metal device. the end was a small camera, but calum didnt like how long it looked.

"breathe in," the doctor says, moving the camera between his legs. calum squeezes his eyes shut, tilts his head back, and takes a deep breath in.

"shit, oh fuck," calum says, his voice filled with discomfort as he feels it being pushed inside him. he squeezes ashtons hand the whole time.

"are you seeing anything?" ashton asks, watching the doctors arm slowly move around under part of the sheet.

"not yet," the doc says, pushing it further inside calum.

"ow, oh, i dont like this," calum cries out, sitting up. ashton has to hold calums upper body down as the doc continues to move it around inside calum.

"oh my," the doctor gasps after about twenty minutes of moving the device around inside him, "there is it."

"what is it?" ashton asks. the doc doesnt answer, he just presses a couple buttons on the keypad.

"alright, breath in again," the doctor says, slowly pulling the device out of calum. a loud sigh escapes his lips as its finally out of him.

"get dressed, we'll talk when you're all calmed down and cleaned up," the doctor says, undoing the ankle cuffs. then, he leaves, taking the cart with him.

"you did so good, babe," ashton says, helping calum stand up.

"fuck you for letting that happen, ash! maybe i should shove a camera up your ass and see how you like it!"


i couldn't help myself lmao, im loving this story
comments? predictions?
love u!

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