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the couple was back to normal, with no more tension between them. ashton was doing his overall best to take care of calum, and make sure the boy was taking his estrogen. which, the estrogen was putting more weight onto calum, especially his chest.

"hey, cal?" ashton calls out, walking into the bedroom, where calum sat with his back on against the headboard.

"yeah, ash?"

"how are you feeling, baby?" ashton asks, setting the cup of tea down on the nightstand next to calum. the younger boy sighs, his hands resting on his stomach, as he looks at ashton with a pout.

"everything just hurts," calum says, pouting.

"do you need me to do anything? or get anything for you?"

"can you please give me a foot massage? pretty please?" calum asks, making his signature puppy face that ashton could never say no to. the older boy sighs, and sits down at the end of the bed by calums feet.

"only because i love you," ashton grumbles, starting to massage calums feet.

"oh, fuck," calum whines, "that feels so good, ash. i love you."

"why do your feet hurt already? you're only like, five months pregnant. you're not that big yet," ashton says, hoping he wasn't going to be giving calum foot massages all the time.

"my whole body hurts, ash," calum frowns, "but hey, i'll suck your dick afterwards depending on how you do."

ashton scoffs, "no, you dont need to suck my dick. you need to rest."

"but i want to suck your dick, ash,"

"maybe later. hey, what did you want for dinner tonight? i was thinking maybe-"

"oh, fuck, i want mac and cheese, with extra cheese, maybe?" calum says, basically talking to himself, "or mashed potatoes with cheese mixed in? or we can have eggs and sprinkle cheese on top of that?"

"so...something with cheese, i take it?" ashton says softly, not taking his eyes off of calum as the other boy thinks hard - with his face crinkled up in thought and everything. ashton thought he looked so beautiful. no matter what anyone thought of those crinkles, ashton loved them so much.

"yeah. oh! maybe a cheeseburger, with extra cheese on it. that sounds good. can we do that for dinner, please?"

"of course," ashton says with a smile, "do you want me to order it out, then? or do you want me to make it?"

"can you order out, please? i dont really wanna leave the bed," calum says, his eyes shining with happiness, "the baby doesnt want me to get up, either."

"silly boy," ashton says, shaking his head fondly, "let me go call the order in, and then i can keep massaging your feet?"

"can i suck your dick first?"

"i-excuse me?" ashton stumbles, staring at calum confused.

"i wanna suck your dick," calum says, a pout on his face.

"why, baby? you dont have to, really. im okay massaging your-"

"no, i wanna suck your dick, ash," calum whines, making grabby hands, "please!"

"oh boy."


"do you think the baby is gonna be a boy or girl?" calum asks quietly. his head was resting on ashtons shoulder as they cuddled on the bed. the couple just ate dinner, and they were now just cuddled up, enjoying each others company.

"im not sure," ashton hums, a hand on calums thigh, "im hoping for a boy."

"yeah?" calum asks, looking up at ashton with a smile, "well, i think the baby will be a girl."

"a girl, huh? well, if the baby is a girl, what would we name her?"

calum doesnt answer. for some reason, all these emotions hit him at once. they're cuddled up in bed, he's pregnant with his boyfriends baby, and they're talking about baby names.

"calum, sweets?"

calum just sniffs, and hides his face in ashtons neck.

"are you okay, calum?"

"im fine," calum croaks out, "im just...so happy."

ashton smiles, and pulls calum in tighter, "yeah...im happy too."


cute, short little chapter. heartbreak to come (or is there? lmaooo)
comments? predictions?
love u!

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