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"will you marry me?"

"yes," calum gasps, his hands still covering his mouth. tears gather in his eyes and he starts shaking because he's so happy.

"yes?" ashton asks, watching as the tears started to fall down calums cheeks.

"yes!" calum says happily, opening his arms. the huge smile calum wore made ashton smile just as wide as he leans in, and presses a passionate kiss to the man he's in love with.

when they manage to pull away from each other, calum holds out his shaky left hand, and let's ashton slide the beautiful engagement ring on his finger.

"its so beautiful," calum mumbles, holding his hand out in front of him as he looked at the ring. it was so unbelievable - calum wasn't expecting anything like that to ever happen. not saying he didn't want to get married, but before he got pregnant they both had agreed that marriage was a waste of money just for a piece of paper. they could live happily together without the government knowing about their marriage.

"i wanted the best for you," ashton says, smiling as he looks at the ring on calums finger, "i always want the absolute best for you."

"you're the best, ashton," calum whispers, more tears in his eyes, "you're the absolute best for me."

tears start to cloud ashtons eyes as he chuckles and looks down. so many emotions were bouncing back between the two of them. love, happiness, and pure joy. they were now engaged, and within the next handful of weeks were expecting their miracle child.

life couldn't get any better for them.

calum moved over a bit, so ashton could lay next to him, and they spent the rest of the night enjoying each other's presence (while also admiring the ring that rested on calums ring finger).


"if we weren't in the hospital right now i'd bend the fuck over and-"

"calum!" ashton shrieks, pressing his hand over calums mouth. it makes muffled giggles echo the room as calum tries not to die from ashtons response.

"you know im teasing, silly," calum says, a smile on his face as he pushes ashtons hand away from his mouth.

"you? teasing?" ashton asks, "with how you can be in bed, i wasn't sure you were even teasing."

calum pouts, "hey, you can be worse then me at times."

"oh hell yeah i can be," ashton nods, agreeing, "thats only cause you have such an amazing fat ass."

"thanks," calum giggles, "at least something between us is fat."

"i fucking hate you," ashton groans.

"no you don't, you love me."

"youre right. i do love you," ashton says, grabbing calums hand. calum smiles, and intertwines their fingers together.

"i can't wait to have our baby," ashton says, laying his other hand on top of calums bump. thats become his favorite place, is calums bump.

"i can't either," calum mumbles, smiling at ashton, "so, do you think the baby will be a boy or girl?"

"i don't know," ashton says, thinking for a second, "i think i would want the baby to be a girl. but at the same time we're a gay couple and i don't know how well we could raise a baby girl. but if we had a boy, man, i would raise our baby boy right. teach him how to treat anyone he comes into contact with, how to be a good, honest man, you know...all the good stuff."

"i couldn't ask for a better person to be by my side," calum says, smiling widely.

ashton smiles, "what about you? boy or girl?"

"hmm," calum hums, "i think our baby will be a boy. but i also think our baby will be a girl."

"you're silly, calum."

"i know," calum giggles, then takes a deep breath, "tomorrow marks twenty eight weeks."

"i know it does," ashton whispers, squeezing calums hand, "we'll get through this. we've gotten this far, we're not giving up now."

the sun couldn't shine brighter than calum at that moment - his smile was so wide and his eyes were filled with so much hope.

"you're right, ashton. we've come too far to give up now."

"absolutely. about four to five weeks, and then we get to meet our baby."

"four to five weeks, ashton...im so ready to meet our precious baby!"


guys the time is coming closer and closer
comments? predictions?
love u!

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