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"oh, fuck."


"its four in the morning, ashton."

"and paxton is crying. stay here, babe. i'll get him."

"are you sure? its my turn," calum grumbles, still half asleep as he fights to keep his eyes open. ashton just chuckles, kisses his head, and then quietly slips out of their room. not even five seconds after ashton quietly slipped out, calum was fast asleep again, drooling into the pillow beneath him.

ashton didn't mind getting paxton again. besides, he knew calum was tired. plus, he was already awake. there was just too many thoughts swirling around inside of his head and he wasnt sure how to just...relax his mind.

so many thoughts about calum, about paxton, about life....there was so much happiness and joy inside him - sometimes he just didn't know how to handle it.

"hey, my love," ashton whispers, gently picking paxton up, "why are you crying, baby?"

paxton stops crying as soon as he's pressed up against ashtons chest, which makes ashton smile. paxton, for some reason, wasn't too fond with ashton at first. now, all ashton had to do was smile at paxton, and the baby was smiling back - he would radiate the same happiness and joy from his parents.

ashton loved him so much.

"you just wanted your daddy, huh baby?" ashton asks. the older boy holds his finger out, which he's done thousands of times, and smiles again when paxton uses his tiny hand to grab onto his finger.

babbles escape his lips as he plays with ashtons finger.

"are you hungry at all?" ashton asks. paxton just continues to babble, and play with ashtons finger.

"oh, you just wanna play, huh?" ashton hums. paxton squeals happily, and gives a harder pull at ashtons finger. ashton shakes his head fondly. paxton was just a blessing - even at four in the morning.


"ashton? baby?" calum calls out, rubbing his eyes tiredly as he walks out of their bedroom. he doesn't remember much about last night - he can't remember if paxton crying was real or a dream.

when he woke up alone, though, he kinda figured paxton was up.

the house is silent, which confuses a still sleepy calum. why isn't ashton answering him?

"ashy?" calum calls out again. the boy stumbles into the kitchen, and then decides to go into the family room. there ashton was - passed out on the recliner with paxton sleepily quietly on his chest.

calum coos softly. he pads quietly to the recliner, and slowly crawls next to ashton.

"baby?" ashton groans out, slowly opening his eyes.

"shh, ashy," calum whispers. he lifts ashtons arm, and wraps it around his waist. ashton doesn't mind. he holds calum tightly, and also keeps his other hand on paxtons back. calum sighs contently, and cuddles into ashtons side.

"calum? can we talk?"

"about what, ash?"

"when we get married."


"yeah. i wanna get married when paxton is two years old."

"two?" calum says with a giggle.

"yeah. he'll be a bit older, and bigger, and...i don't know. two seems like a good age."

"yeah? i like that," calum says, a smile on his face as he thinks about getting married.

"im glad you do. i also think, that maybe, its about time we let paxton stay with his uncle's for a night."

"what?" calum whines, "no, i...i don't want paxton to stay the night with someone else."

"babe, paxton is gonna need to...you know, get out of the house at some point."

"im fine with paxton spending the day with his uncles, but im just not ready for him to not be here for a night."

"okay, okay," ashton says softly, "thats a start."

"yeah, a start."

"so, how about we see when luke and michael can take paxton? even if its just for a couple hours."

"okay, that sounds fine."

"okay, baby. lets go back to sleep, yeah?"

"yeah, sleep sounds nice too." calum says, feeling his eyelids grow heavy with every passing second.


"hey, baby?" ashton calls out, walking into paxtons room, "michael and luke are gonna take paxton on thursday, is that okay?"

"yeah, that's fine," calum says, dressing paxton in a pair of sweatpants and a cute top. ashton smiles, and kisses calums cheek.

"good. i already have our day planned," ashton says, a smile on his face as he kisses calums cheek again.

"oh?" calum giggles.

"absolutely. so, don't make any plans."

ashtons leaves it at that. he lands a smack to calums ass, and then leaves the room. thursday couldn't come fast enough.


what do y'all think is gonna happen thursday??? also, something BIG is coming (: any guesses?
comments? predictions?
love u!

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