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"was that the doctor?" ashton asks, watching as calum sighs and tosses his phone down on the bed.

"yeah. he said all my levels were normal, and he doesn't have an answer as to why i get so sick," calum says, running his hand through his hair. the boy was getting more and more frustrated, and he just wanted answers.

"so, we just have to keep doing what we're doing then, huh?" ashton says softly, walking over to calum. he brings the boy in for a hug, and gently starts to pet his hair.

"i guess so," calum frowns, leaning into ashton. he didnt know how long he could go on like that. being that sick really took a toll on his body.

"hey, its alright babyboy," ashton says, bringing calum in for a hug, "we'll figure everything out. everything's gonna be okay."

"i love you," calum whimpers, pressing his lips to ashtons neck.

"i love you too. now come on, let's go out for dinner, yeah?"

calum smiles, "yeah. that sounds nice."

"good. go put some actual nice clothes on, and i'll grab the car keys."

calum squeals, and rushes into the direction of the bedroom. he wasnt sure what he wanted to eat. well, he was kinda in the mood for chinese, or ice cream.

"both," calum whispers, starting to jump up and down. he puts on different clothes, and when he stands in front of the mirror, getting ready to put on another shirt, he stops.

"oh, no," calum sighs, poking at the tummy he was starting to get. it was a little obvious, and it made calum...really distressed. his chest even looked a little bigger, which he tried his best to ignore. his mind was stuck on his stomach, and how it was getting bigger.

"calum, are you ready?"

"yes, coming!" calum yells back, quickly shoving the shirt on. the thoughts swirling around in his mind about his stomach leave his mind as he goes to have dinner with his wonderful boyfriend.


calum runs up the stairs with tears streaming down his really wet cheeks. the boy runs into his bedroom, and jumps on the bed, face first. he brings his pillow into his arms and shoves his face into it as he screams, and then continues to sob into the pillow.

"sweets?" ashton calls up, locking the front door before running up the stairs after calum.

the dinner was going so well, and they were having so much fun...but as soon as the waitress set calums spicy seafood pasta (calum had made seafood his final decision for dinner) down in front of him, it made calums stomach flip.

calum ignored it, thinking it was just the smell. oh, he was wrong. after he swallowed his first bite, he threw up all over the table. it happened so fast, ashton quickly stood up to avoid getting vomit on himself.

calum looked around, vomit on his lips, looking at everyone looking at him.

"calum?" ashton whispered. the boy just stood up and ran to the bathroom, feeling another wave of sickness wash over him. that time, he made it to the bathroom.

even when he was done throwing up, he didnt leave the bathroom stall. he was so embarrassed.

twenty minutes later ashton knocked on the door, and had to coax calum into exiting the bathroom so they could go home. the manager waived the check since ashton cleaned all of it up, feeling bad for the workers and the people that saw that. calum, though, cried the whole way home. nothing ashton said or did could make him feel better.

which lead to now, with ashton gently sitting next to a sobbing calum on their bed.

"babyboy," ashton says softly, getting petting calums hip, "it's okay, i promise you. things like that happen all the time."

"no they dont!" calum screams into the pillow, still too disappointed in himself.

"baby, you need to just breathe, okay? we're home now, and nothing else is going to happen."

"i don't wanna be sick anymore!" calum sobs his heart out. his body was always tired and sore, his throat hurt a lot more, and he was getting bigger.

that wasnt a win in calums book.

"hey, im gonna do some calling around tomorrow, okay? im gonna see where else i can take you that might be more helpful."

calum nods, and slowly pulls his head away from the pillow.

"there's my beautiful boy," ashton says softly, and uses the pad of his thumb to wipe at calums cheeks.

"im sorry i ruined dinner for you."

"hey, you didn't ruin anything. i promise. now, why dont we call it a night and cuddle? i know you want to."

calum nods, and tries to hide the smile growing on his face, "can i be the little spoon?"

"you're always the little spoon, goofball. now change into your pajamas."

"thanks, ash. i love you."

"i love you too, calum."


poor baby):
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