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"do you feel any better?" ashton asks, setting the cup of hot tea down on the nightstand next to calum. a grunt echoes the room, and ashton assumes that that was his answer.

"can i take your temperature, sweets?" ashton asks softly. calum rolls over onto his back, and gives ashton a sad pout. ashton holds the thermometer up to calums lips, and makes sure calums got it under his tongue.

"i need you to drink some of this tea, too," ashton says, nodding to the cup. the thermometer beeps, so ashton gently takes it out of his mouth.

"when should lu and mikey be here?" calum rasps out. it takes ashton a couple seconds to fully understand what calum had said since calums voice was almost fully gone.

"they should be here soon, baby," ashton says, looking at the thermometer, "you still got a fever, but its better. one hundred and one point two."

"i don't want them to take paxton," calum says with a pout, grabbing at the warm cup of tea.

"i know, but i need to take care of you and i can't risk getting paxton more sick. you know this," ashton says, brushing some of calums hair away from his eyes.

"i know. i love you so much, ashton. always take such good care of me," calum says, starting to cough a bit afterwards. ashton pats his back gently, and nods towards the cup in calums shaky hands. after he can breathe, calum does bring the cup up to his lips, and starts to sip at the tea.

"good boy," ashton says, rubbing calums back gently. he knew the more he offered calum that verbal praise, the more he knew calum would drink it up and try to do more to do better.

which, calum was doing his best with trying to overcome this sickness.

"plus, as soon as you're better, paxton will come back home and we'll all be a happy and healthy family again," ashton says, rubbing calums back soothingly.

"we are a happy family," calum pouts with a frown. then, all the sudden, a smirk grows over calums face. it has ashton looking at him with narrow eyes.

"why are you smiling like that?"

before calum can answer, the doorbell rings, making ashton sigh and stand up.

"stay here, babe. i'll be right back," ashton says, rushing out of the room.

calum knew ashton would be gone a couple minutes since he already had paxtons bag packed and ready to go. he tries his best to listen to them talk downstairs, but its too muffled so calum just sighs, and relaxes in bed.

the smaller boy closes his eyes, and when he opens them again, ashton is sitting on the bed.

"hey, sweet pea," ashton says softly, slowly running his hand through calums hair, "you fell asleep on me."

"sorry," calum mumbles. of course, though calums hazy mind, he remembers what he wanted before he fell asleep.

"you're smiling all weird again, calum."

"you know what helps with sickness?"

"sex does not help with being sick."

"yes it does," calum says with a whine.

"you're just horny, arent you?" ashton says, a smile growing on his face. of course, no matter what situation calum was in, that boy was horny.


ashton rolls his eyes, "calum, im sorry bub but im too tired to have sex with you, and you're too sick to ride me."

calum whines, extremely loudly.

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