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there's a sharp, stabbing pain that wakes calum from his slumber. at first, he's confused. calum sits up, keeping a hand on his stomach as he groans in pain. then, about a minute after the first stabbing pain, another stabbing pain tears through his stomach, making him cry out and double over.

"a-ashton!" calum hisses, his voice laced with pain. calum has to yell his name out again before ashtons waking up, and rushing over to calums side.

"hey, hey, what's wrong?" ashton asks softly, kneeling down in front of calum. there's tears running down calums cheeks. everything feels like its being stabbed and twisted around inside him, and calum didnt think he was going to last long in this much pain.

"hospital!" calum cries out, and that's the only word he can manage to say as another sharp, stabbing pain erupts inside him. ashton cursed to himself, and picks calum up gently. calum cries the whole time ashton carries him to the car, and ends up crying the whole way to the hospital.

at some point in the car, he feels a warm, wet, sticky substance between his thighs. he has absolutely no idea what it is, and he wasn't worried about it. the only thing on his mind was the hospital.


seven hours.

that's how long ashton had been sitting in the uncomfortable hospital chair, waiting on news about his pregnant boyfriend. with each passing minute, more of those unhealthy, sick, sad scenarios played in his mind. ashton kept praying that calum was okay.

ashton kept praying that the baby was okay.

ashton really didnt know what he would do if he lost them both. it would be a cold, lonely, depressing world if he did. he knew he would never be able to step into the sunlight again. ashton would always be so cold...no matter the temperature outside, or the blankets, or the clothes...ashton would always be cold.

"family of calum hood?"

"yes, hello doctor," ashton says, standing up and rushing over to the man dressed in a white coat, "please, is he okay? is the baby okay?"

"why dont you come with me, sir. i'll explain as we walk,"

ashton nods, and starts to follow the doctor down the busy corridor.

"so, let me start by saying that yes, calum and his baby are okay. they will be fine when they get to go home, too."

"oh, thank you so much," ashton says, feeling like he could honest to god cry. there was a heavy, heavy weight lifted off his chest. he felt like he could breath again. a smile made it's way onto ashtons face as relief ran in his veins.

"but, they wont be going home for a couple days. we need calum here to monitor him. what happened was the same thing that's happened before. the fetus is growing inside calum, and there just isnt room, as you know. we had to work diligently to move the fetus once again, and we worked on making more room inside of calum, for the fetus to grow."

"the fetus, this time, tore the rectum wall. that's why calum was in a lot of pain, and was also bleeding. we stitched him up, refaced the fetus, and then tried out best to make some more room for the fetus. so, he'll need to stay here three days to monitor him, the baby, and his levels."

they walk into calums room. the boy is fast asleep. there's a lot of wires connected to him, along with a big, gray brace looking thing around calums tummy. a soft beeping echoes the white walls. ashton doesn't like the fact that calums going to be stuck staring at the white walls for three days, but anything to make sure they're both okay.

"hey, are you able to see the sex of the baby?" ashton asks softly, looking to the doctor.

"yes, of course. we can do an ultrasound tomorrow to check, if you'd like?"

"maybe. i'll talk to calum about it. thank you so much,"

"you're welcome. now, let me know if something happens or you have any other questions."

with that, the doctor leaves ashton and calum alone. ashton holds calums hand, and stays with him until he wakes up.


so, what do you think the gender of the baby will be?
comments? predictions?
love u!

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