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five days has never felt so long for calum. everyday, he waited and waited for a phone call from the doctors office. everyday that went by without a call, made calum a little more upset.

calum already knew that he wouldn't be getting a call right away, but he was so anxious about it that he hoped they wouldve figured it out sooner, that way he could get better sooner.

two hours after ashton had left for work, five days after calums appointment, the doctor finally called. calum was so happy, he basically answered as soon as it rang.

the doctor just asked calum to come in as soon as he could so he could discuss what was found. calum asked why he couldn't just tell him over the phone, and the doctor said it would be easier to explain it in person.

so, that's what lead calum to calling ashton first. the older boy said he couldnt leave work early, but told calum to call him as soon as he left the building. after he got off the call with ashton, he called michael.

of course, his best friend was always up for adventure and fun.

so that's where that landed him now, walking into the doctors office with michael by his side.

"what do you think it is?"

"i dont know, mike. if i had a clue i wouldnt be going to the doctor to see what's wrong."

"that's a fair statement. are we going out to eat after this?"

"mike, i cant think right now. what if i have cancer or something?"

"is this where i make a joke about you being ugly or...?" michael trails off, smiling when calum glares at him. they wait in silence until a nurse calls them back, and sits them down in the doctor's office.

"hello calum," the doctor smiles softly, and nods to michael, "hello."

"so, what is it?" calum sighs out, sweat covering his forehead. his knee bounces up and down since he waa nervous, too nervous and anxious. michael just looks at him, and then looks at the doctor.

"so, i want to show you this," he says, placing an ultrasound picture next to an internal picture.

"uh, okay?" calum says hesitantly, looking up at the doctor. michael just bites his lip as he looks at the internal picture, kinda grossed out by it.

michael's eyes are quickly torn away when the doctor starts talking.

"so, you see this little circle here?" the doc asks, pointing to a quarter sized, dark circle in the middle of the ultrasound picture.

"yes," calum says, gulping down a bit of nerves that were slowly crawling up his throat.

"now, do you see this over here?" the doctor asks, moving over to the internal picture. calum just glanced at it, since it was a little disturbing to him and he didnt want to look at it for too long.

"yeah, i do."

"okay. that, what im pointing to, is a fetus growing."

"a what?"

"you're pregnant, calum. i couldn't believe it when i was first examining you. when i got my second opinion, the other doctor agreed. this...this is a miracle, calum."

"what...this cant be! im-im a dude!" calum exclaims.

"a dude who didnt use protection, obviously." michael mutters, trying to process what the doctor was saying.

"it's a miracle, calum," the doctor says, "it looks like the fetus is about four months along. it explains the sickness, the mood swings, the weight gain, and the food cravings."

"im gonna throw up," calum mutters, his eyes darting around.

the doctor takes a deep breath, "theres just one thing, calum, that worries me."

"the fact that im a dude and im pregnant doesn't worry you?"

"calum, this is serious." the doctor says, looking at calum with concern in his eyes.

"yeah, calum, take this seriously," michael says, "we know why you're sick now. and he cant help you if you dont listen to him."

calum just grunts, too irritated with michael to even say anything. 

"the fetus, its growing right between your seminal vessels and your bladder. first, the fetus growing in a spot like that could really damage your bladder, and also your ejaculatory ducts. its dangerous for the fetus as well, seeing as it might get stuck between the two and it could get strangled around the vessel, causing you both harm."

"okay...what does that mean?" calum asks, knowing that he didnt want an answer, but he sure as hell needed one.

"im going to need to do the rectal exam again, with my other doctor who is more knowledgable in these rare male pregnancies. we are going to go in, with the camera again, and a couple other tools. we're gonna face the fetus a different direction, and-"

"wait, wait," calum says, shakily standing up, "i-i need to call ashton."


there we have it
i also want to reiterate this again, this is fiction. none of this is real, it's all made up. i did my best looking at the anatomy of men, but again i was asleep that day in medical school
any comments, predictions, or ideas?
love u!

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