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ashton groans as he blinks a couple times, slowly getting use to the light.


ashton closes his eyes one more time, and when he opens them again calums standing above him, blocking the light, and looking more worried than ever.

"what happened?" ashton asks, slowly sitting up.

"do you need some water?" calum asks instead, not wanting to bring up that topic just yet.

"please," ashton says, holding a hand to his head. calum nods, and rushes into the kitchen to get ashton water, while ashton sits up more and looks around. he was sat on the couch, where he was just laying, and the clock sitting under the tv was reading almost eight pm.

"how long was i out for?" ashton whispers to himself. he turns to calum, once he hears the boy walk back into the room, and thankfully takes the cup of water calum hands him.

"you know, it's funny," ashton says, then takes a drink, "i had a dream where you told me you were pregnant. i dont know what i ate before that dream."

calums eyes water, "that wasnt a dream, you asshole. that was real. im pregnant, and i'll still be pregnant when you wake up again tomorrow."

"b-but," ashton stutters, looking at calum all confused, "you're not a female. how are you pregnant?"

"i dont know," calum mumbles, wiping his eyes, "the doctor keeps saying it's a miracle. i don't see how it is. ashton...what are we gonna do?"

ashton sighs, "im not sure."

"well, we go back to the doctor on friday," calum says, reaching for ashtons hand, "he'll explain everything again, and we can ask whatever questions we have."

"i-i dont..." ashton trails off, "im not sure that i want to go."

calums heart drops.

"w-what do you mean...?"

"calum, i...this is all so much. pregnant? with a kid? that means...being parents?"

calums bottom lip trembles.

"that's...that such a big step."

"y-you..." calum shakily says, feeling his whole body shake as he tries not to cry, "fuck you! you got me pregnant! you cant just back away! thats..."

"im not backing away, cal. im saying that this...this is gonna change our whole life."

"i know that!" calum yells, bursting into tears, "and im terrified, ashton! im completely terrified and i was so scared to tell you and i was right because you're just an asshole!"

"wait, cal," ashton says, bringing calum closer to him, "that's not- im just trying to-fuck. im not gonna leave you, calum. im not gonna let you go through this alone. like you said, i got you pregnant. it's just, i need time to let it sink it. im sorry for all of that. i was being an asshole. but please, stop crying."

calum feels more tears cloud his vision as ashton says that, and he allows himself to shove his face into ashtons neck. they stay in that embrace, just holding each other until th tears are done, and they're both more calm and relaxed.

"now, what time is the appointment on friday?" ashton asks softly, pulling back from calum. he uses the pad of his thumb to softly wipe over calums wet cheeks, slowly collecting the remaining tears.

"ten a.m," calum whispers, leaning his cheek into ashtons warm hand.

"okay, baby. hey, look at me?"

calum shyly looks into ashtons eyes.

"everything's gonna be okay, yeah? with whatever happens. it'll all be okay."

"yeah," calum whispers, nodding as a smile slowly makes its way onto his face.

"i love you,"

"i love you too, ashy."

ashton smiles softly at calum, petting his cheek one more time before he leans in and pecks his lips.

"come on, let's go relax for the night. we have a long day ahead of us."


so, what are we thinking
love u!

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