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fridays appointment came quickly for both the boys.

calum, who knew what was coming, spent the whole drive to the hospital in a cranky mood. ashton just ignored him, since he too wasnt in the best of moods. they both are silent until the doctor calls them back.

"its good to see you again, calum," the doctor says, letting calum lay up on the table that he's come to know all too painfully well. ashton pulls a chair up, and sits next to calum.

"doc, im not trying to be mean, and i know i was asleep that day in medical, but," ashton trails off, looking at calums stomach that has noticeably gotten bigger, "how is it, that my boyfriend, is pregnant? he's a dude."

"ah yes, mr. irwin," the doctor smiles, handing calum the blue gown, "why dont we talk in the hallway, that way calum can change."

"why does he need to change? what else are you doing?"

"my other colleague and i are going to do another rectal exam to change the direction of the fetus," the doc explains,"its very vital that we do that now, or else it can cause serious harm to calum, the baby, or both of them."

calum visibly gulps.

ashton just follows the doctor into the hallway, and crosses his arms over his chest.

"look, ashton? i know this is hard to take in. but, this is a true miracle. you and your partner being able to have a child? think about the millions of people that arent able to conceive."

"i just dont understand how he even got pregnant?"

"well, i think you do know how," the doctor says, "after you ejaculated, your sperm managed to find an egg. thus, creating life. looking into calum, he doesnt have nearly as many eggs as a female does, and he doesnt have the same reproductive system either, so it's going to be very hard..."

"i know that," ashton mumbles, chewing on his bottom lip. obviously since calum was a boy, he knew that calum would go through more pains and troubles...he just didn't know the extent of everything, and it sounded selfish to ashton but he would rather have calum, then a dead calum and a baby that reminded him of calum.

"any other questions, ashton?"

"yea..." ashton trailed off, trying to find the right words to use, "is there...is there a chance that calum wont make it?"

"honestly, there's a bigger chance that this fetus wont make it. considering it's been about fourteen weeks though, i have to say im very happy with his progress. to answer your question, though, yes. there is a chance that calum will not survive the whole pregnancy."

ashton doesnt answer after that, he just barges back into the room. calums in the blue gown, back on the exam table, with his feet propped up on the stands like he was in the gyno chair.

"calum, get rid of it!" ashton exclaims, the doctor right behind him as he closes the door.

"excuse me?" calum says, frowning.

"he-he," ashton stutters, turning to the doctor, "he told me everything, calum! think about it! there's a greater chance of not surviving the pregnancy, than actually surviving it! you cant do this, calum!"

"ashton!" calum yells, trying to reason with ashton, "there's a chance that we both will survive just fine! why are you so worried about it? we have the doctor-"

"it doesnt matter if we have a doctor or not, calum! the doctor wont be able to save your life if something bad happens during the pregnancy! i dont want to lose you!"

the room falls silent.


"you know what, whatever. it's fine. do whatever you want, calum. but i want you to hear it from the doctor."

they both turn to the doctor.

"what...," calum trails off, clearing his throat, "what does your colleague think?"

"well..." the doctor trails off, "i was going to discuss this with him hear, in an hour, but i can tell you now i guess."

ashton bites his lip, and calum feels his throat tighten up.

"my colleague doesnt think neither you, nor the baby, will survive."


oop there it is
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