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it takes three time as long for calum to get his bloodwork done since the boy is completely terrified of needles. luckily, as michael is distracting him, the phlebotomist manages to get the blood. calum isn't too happy, but he lets the lady with the needle do her job.

of course, michael gives him a high five once they're walking out of the hospital.

"you did good, man," michael says, starting the car, "now where did you wanna go to eat? im hungry."

"of course you are," calum pouts, buckling his seat belt. now that michael mentioned it...calum himself was really hungry. and he really wanted something salty. or with mustard. yeah, mustard sounded good.

"hey man, i came with you to your appointment and stayed with you the whole time. i think i deserve food."

"what about that burger joint outside of town? thick burgers? would you wanna do that? i could go for a burger."

"on it," michael says, a smile on his face as he starts to drive to their destination.


"so, are you feeling better?" michael asks, dipping a fry into some ketchup.

"i feel fine now, yeah," calum says, wiping his mouth, "and i hope tomorrow is fine too. i just wish they could've given me an answer to everything that's going on. i mean, what's bloodwork gonna do?"

"seriously?" michael asks, staring at him, "they're gonna check your levels and see if anything's off. cause then, if something is off, it might be the cause of your sickness, and then they can properly treat it."

"i know," calum whines, "i just hate bloodwork. i hate needles. it's all stupid."

"are you okay?" michael asks, his eyebrows pressed down in confusion, "you're like...more talkative then normal."

and more hungry.

"yeah, im just all worked up from the needle. im sorry, i'll relax soon enough," calum says, smiling at michael before taking another bite of his double cheeseburger, with extra pickles and mustard. michael just nods, and watches calum as he eats his food.

"want to get a milkshake after this?" calum asks after he swallows the bite, going in to take another after he asks his question.

"sure, where at?" michael asks, slowly sipping on his drink. calum nods his head as he chews, happy that he's eating something very good.

"maybe just maccas?"

"okay, that's fine. you almost done?"

calum nods, and eats the rest of his food off of his plate.


calum bounds into the house, happy and smiley as he sips on his chocolate milkshake.

"hey baby," ashton greets him when he walks into the kitchen. ashton himself is leaning against the counter, in only sweatpants, drinking a cup of coffee.

"hey ashy," calum smiles, walking over to ashton so he could place a kiss to his cheek.

"how'd the appointment go?"

"it went fine," calum says, then pouts, "they stuck me with a needle, ash. they took some of my blood!"

"oh boy!"

"yeah!" calum says, raising his hands in the air, "like, they didnt even know why i was sick. they just took my blood and said they were gonna test it."

"text your levels, you mean?"

"what levels do they even test?" calum pouts, "like, what are they gonna get from my blood?"

"sorry, baby, i was asleep that day in medical school."

"dont be sarcastic with me," calum groans.

"sorry, calum. you gotta trust them, though. they know what they're doing. now, did they say anything else? did they tell you to take a different type of medicine?"

"no. just to keep doing what im doing. they said they should have the bloodwork results in a couple of days."

"okay, that sounds good. hopefully that brings some answers."

"yeah, hopefully. im tired of being this sick all the time," calum says, looking towards the door, "and im upset that you weren't there when they had to take my blood. i had to hold michaels hand."

"that's why he went with you, sweetie," ashton giggles, "in case something like that happened."

"i think you could make it up to me," calum whispers, pressing his chest agaisnt ashtons. ashton just smirks, and wraps his arms around calums waist.

"and how do you want me to make it up to you?"

"i think we can figure that out," calum smiles, and presses his lips to ashtons. ashton grunts against his lips, picks calum up, and turns them around so calums sitting on the counter.

"how about i bend you over the counter and eat you out? how does that sound?"


hehehe, not today
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