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the first night at home with paxton wasn't at all what calum thought it would be. their baby had cried every couple of hours, all throughout the night. ashton and calum had decided on taking turns to go get paxton, which was still a lot of work for calums recovering body.

especially since the boy needed all the rest he could get.

by the time six am rolled around, calum knew there was no going back to sleep, so instead he stayed in paxtons room, sitting on the rocking chair with paxton sleeping peacefully against his chest.

the emotion calum felt to his baby...it was so strong, and calum had only had his baby out in the real world for five days. it had gone by so fast, too. their baby was already five days old. it scared calum, because soon enough their baby would be five years old, and then ten...calum didn't want his baby to grow up. calum wanted paxton to stay his little baby boy forever.

unfortunately, that wasn't the case though. so, calum knew he had to cherish the time he had now.

"don't grow up too fast on me, paxie," calum whispers, brushing his lips over paxtons head, "even if you do. you're always gonna be my baby."

paxton just continues to sleep against calums chest, making calum smile. warmth and happiness spread throughout his body like a wildfire, and calum honest to God did not want the morning to end.


it was around nine in the morning. ashton stood in paxtons doorway, staring at his fiancé and baby. somehow, calum had managed to fall asleep, with paxton still asleep on his chest. ashton positively melted at the two, and made sure to take some pictures, that way he could look back at this precious moment.

after admiring them for a couple more minutes, ashton walks over to them, and gently lifts paxton up from calums arms. it makes calum wake up quickly.

"my-my baby," calum groans out, reaching up for paxton, who was still fast asleep.

"calum, go to bed," ashton says quietly, "i got paxton from here."

"no, give me my baby," calum says, tears pooling in his eyes.

"calum, you can hold paxton again after your nap. please, go lay in bed and sleep. you really need it. in fact, you should've woke me up before so i could've stayed with paxton."

"let me say goodnight," calum says desperately. ashton sighs, but gently hands paxton back to calum, who smiles and kisses his head.

"i love you, paxton."

calum gives paxtons head another kiss, and then he hands the sleeping baby back to ashton.

"thank you, calum. call me if you need anything, yeah?"

"i will, ash. i love you."

"i love you too. now go get some rest," ashton says softly. calum nods, pecks ashtons lips, and then bounds on out of paxtons room, to his own, which was the next room over.

"alright, why don't we put you down for your own nap, yeah?" ashton says softly, gently setting paxton down in his crib. the baby doesn't make any noise, besides his breathing, which makes ashton feel relieved.

the older boy turns the baby monitor back on, and takes the other one with him as he bounds to the kitchen to make some coffee.

as ashton makes the coffee, he starts to think about how...right, everything feels. he doesn't feel like he just exists. he has reason now. paxton and calum...his whole life.

thats all he needed.


kinda short, sorry
comments? predictions?;
love u!

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