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"do you have the bottles and formula with you? what about-"

"hey, baby," ashton says, laying his hands on calums waist in an attempt to get him to relax, "they have everything. paxton will be okay. please, just relax."

calum looks over to luke, who was holding a very happy paxton. paxton was smiling up at luke, and clapping his hands together happily when luke made a funny face.

"he'll be just fine, calum," michael assures, slinging the baby bag over his shoulder, "besides, he'll be gone four hours max. if something happens, we're five minutes away."


"no buts, calum," michael says, nodding to luke, "just enjoy your day with ashton. baby free."

calum bites his lip and nods. with sad eyes, he watches them leave until he can't see their car anymore. it wasnt that calum didn't want paxton to get to do anything...but this was the first time they would be apart. paxton didnt seem to mind at all, which made calum pout a bit.

of course, with time, calum knew he would be more compliant in letting paxton leave to stay with his uncles.

"why dont you come upstairs, yeah?" ashton whispers, placing a soft kiss to calums neck as he rubs calums sides. the touches have calum crumbling to his feet already.

"okay, ashy."

they manage to make it upstairs, to the bedroom, and thats when ashton basically pounces on calum. they fall together on the bed, making out like a couple desperate seventeen year olds. their clothes get thrown from the bed between desprate kisses, and soon enough their both naked.

"come on," calum whines, spreading his thighs apart, "ruin me, ashy. please."

"fuck," ashton moans, harshly digging his nails into calums hips, "turn over."

calum moans loudly, and feels his dick squirt out pre come. they hadn't fucked like this in awhile - fast and rough. but shit, calum was so ready.

calum flips over, and leans his upper body down so he was face down, ass up - presented completely for ashton.

"God damn, you're so beautiful," ashton whispers, starting to rub the pink muscle in slow, tender circles. it has calum whimpering, and pushing his thighs apart more.

"please," calum chokes out. ashtons too needy - he can easily admit that. if he had more willpower, he would keep teasing calum and he'd make him beg. but, they hadn't fucked like this is so long and ashton was ready to have calum screaming.

ashton leans down, and places a soft kiss to his hole.

"please," calum cries out.

ashton flattens his tongue, and licks over calums hole again and again - making calum cry out each time. ashton alternates between licks and kisses - just enough to where calums opened up enough for his tongue. after sucking a harsh kiss onto calums hole - making a loud, needy noise escape calum - ashton was able to presses the tip of his tongue against him, and push it inside.

calum reaches back, and grabs a fistful of ashtons hair, making ashton moan against his already sensitive rim.

"fuck, fuck," calum moans, starting to buck his hips against ashtons face. ashtons got his face pressed right against calums ass, with his tongue licking at calums walls - calum is a moaning mess already. when ashton flicks his tongue so close to his prostate - calum loses it. the younger boy keeps bucking his hips, like he was doing his best to ride ashtons tongue.

calum could almost come from just ashtons tongue.

ashton moans against him, finding it so hot that calum was riding his tongue. so, he just keeps his tongue pressed as far in calum as he could, and he let calum go.

calums mouth hangs open, and drool piles onto the pillow as he focuses on the tongue he's riding. he only gets so far, cause when he gets close ashton pulls away and sits up.

"fuck, calum," ashton says, with a smack to calums ass, "i'll have to have you sit on my face all proper soon. but for right now, i need you."

calum's pliant and easy as ashton fingers him open. every moan and cry encourages ashton to finger him deeper.

"please!" calum cries, "fuck me!"

"as you wish," ashton says, lining himself up. ashton pushes in, making calum sigh in bliss and push back. once ashtons bottomed out, he doesn't give calum any time.

"oh, shit!" calum yells, clenching around ashton as ashton starts to mercilessly pound into him. the headboard smacks against the wall with every hard thrust, and it only turns them on even more.

"faster!" calum cries out. ashton grunts, holds onto calums hips tighter, and then starts to pound into him faster.

ashton uses the grip on calums hips to help, and with the way ashton waa digging his nails into calums hips and harshly pulling him back to meet his thrusts - calum knew he would be bruised.

of course, he didnt mind though. calum missed the love bites, the bruises, the spanking, and the feeling the next day when there was the ache in his lower back and bum.

"so pretty," ashton moans out, watching calums cheeks bounce with every thrust, "such a cock slut for me."

"o-only for you," calum moans out. then, ashtons nailing his prostate. calums eyes widen, and his back arches almost painfully.

"shit, DADDY!" calum screams.

"good boy," ashton moans, keeping his hard thrusts against calums prostate, "scream for me."

calum screams as he squirts come all over the sheets below him, and his chest. ashton only lasts four more thrusts before he's coming into calum.

"s-shit," calum whispers, wincing a bit when ashton pulls out.

"you all good, baby?" ashton asks, laying down next to calum. he pulls calum against his chest in post orgasm cuddles.

"yeah. feel so good. thank you," calum mumbles sleepily.

"mhm. i love you, baby."

"i love you too, ashy."


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