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ashton rushes into the family room, where calum had been playing with paxton, with his heart in his throat. panic was flaring in his chest.

"whats wrong?" ashton asks when he runs into the room. calums got tears in his eyes as he points to paxton, who was standing against the coffee table by himself. then, without using the coffee table to help, the baby starts to walk (as good as a learning baby could).

after a couple steps, the baby falls to his bum and then shoves his little hand into his mouth. then paxton just looked at his daddies, and smiled around his hand.

"you're such a goofball," ashton says with a smile, picking up his happy baby, "you starting to walk on us now, paxie? starting to walk to you can run away?"

"why would paxton run away?" calum asks, wiping the happy tears off of his cheeks. his baby was starting to walk - it was truly a millstone for him.

"he hasn't tasted too much of your cooking yet."

"that was mean," calum says with a pout, "my cooking isn't bad at all."

"no, it isn't," ashton smiles, turning back to paxton who squealed happily, "especially since the cook tastes better than the food."

calum groans, "not in front of paxie."

"why? can't keep it in your pants?"

"no, and you know that."

ashton giggles, "i do know that. now come on, i think paxton really wants to play with us."

calum sits down, and ashton sits down five feet apart from him with paxton on his lap. the baby look to calum, and reaches his tiny arms out.

"come here," calum says, and opens his arms, "come to dada!"

the baby squeals happily - even though the baby couldn't hear, he could easily sense all the energy around him. plus, paxton loved his daddies.

"da," paxton babbles. ashton helps paxton get onto his two unsteady short legs, and then slowly takes his hands off of his babies side.

paxton babbles, holds his arms out, and takes a couple of wobbly steps towards calum. he ends up falling onto his knees after four steps, and crawls the rest of the way to calum.

"my good boy!" calum says happily, scooping the little boy into his arms. paxton laughs loudly and babbles, completely happy with his daddies happy energy.

calum places kisses to paxtons face, making paxton squeal and push on calums cheeks.

ashton smiled as he watched paxton push on calums chubby cheeks - ashton couldnt wait to see paxton grow up. he already looked so much like calum, and ashton predicts he'll look even more like calum as he grows - ashton even hopes paxton has the same chubby cheeks as calum does.

"okay, can you go back over to your daddy?" calum asks, setting paxton down on his little legs again, this time facing ashton.

ashton smiles, and opens his arms, "come to daddy, baby!"

"i will come for daddy," calum says, winking afterwards. ashton glares a bit at calum, then looks back to paxton with a huge smile. the baby squeals loudly in happiness as he takes quick steps over to ashton.

paxton didnt fall at all as he stumbled over to ashton. of course, he trips as he's by ashton, but his daddy is there to get him before he can face plant.

"there's our big boy!" ashton says, placing another kiss to paxtons head. paxton babbles, and then shoves his hand into his mouth once again.

"its almost time for paxton to eat," calum adds, "so, did you want to give him a bath real quick, and then we'll feed him?"

"sure, baby," ashton says, and lifts paxton up in the air, "paxie, its bath time! yeah, you want daddy to give you a bath, yeah?"

paxton squeals, and squirms happily in ashtons large hands. calum smiles at them both. this was his world.

two angels watching them from above, while they had one angel in their arms.


paxtons starting to walk!!!
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