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the whole week leading up to paxtons ten month old party was hell for calum. the poor boy was constantly sick. the problem was, though, was this sick feeling was so familiar.

the second day, the thought of pregnancy ran through calums mind. then, he threw up in the kitchen trash can. so, since that thought had ran through calums head - he's been sure to make himself look better in front of ashton.

calum didnt want ashton to worry about anything until he knew himself. and, it was really silly, but he just didn't want ashton to know. if calum was pregnant again - calum needed to get himself straight before laying that on ashton. besides, he knew ashton would worry way more.

it was his fault, anyway. calum was suppose to call the doctor back six months after paxton was born (thats when calum felt it would be time to have that procedure) but of course, he never did, and when they've had sex, they've used a condom most times but there was a couple where calum remembers ashton coming inside him.

if, if calum was pregnant, calum wasnt sure what would happen. would ashton flip out again? what would the doctor advise him to do? would he have to get a abortion?

so many thoughts swam through his head.

so, calum had snuck four pregnancy tests into his sock drawer two days before the party. ashton was going to go out and get decorations the day of the party, and calum was going to stay home with paxton.

thats when calum would find out.


"okay, babe, we need more baby formula, diapers, baby wipes, and some teething rings for paxton. then, we need chips, salsa, queso, balloons, a veggie tray, hot dogs, hot dog buns, paper plates, napkins, plastic silverware, pop cans...anything else?" ashton asks, reading off of his grocery list.

"yeah, text me when your checking out ay the grocery store that way i can call the pizza order in," calum says as he writes the order of three large pizzas, and the phone number down.

"i will, babe. anything else i need to get? or did i get it all?"

"that sounds like everything, but if you see something then get it, because we probably did forget to write something down."

"okay. alright, i'm off to pick everything up. call me if you need anything," ashton says, then places a kiss to calums lips.

"i will, be safe ashy."


calum watches ashton leave, and he waits half an hour afterwards to even think about taking the tests. paxton was playing on his play mat with a couple toys, so he wasn't even paying attention to calum.

the bathroom was next to the family room, but calum kept the door open just in case.

one by one, he pees on the sticks, and then sets them down in the sink. once the timer is set, calum walks back out to paxton with a heavy heart.

"paxie! my baby," calum says happily. paxton doesnt give notice to calum until he's being picked up, and then when he sees who he's being picked up by, his face breaks out into a huge smile.

"aahhhh!" paxton squeals, clapping his hands together. calum giggles. he loved paxton more than anything on this earth. paxton just shoves his hand in calums mouth, and then laughs more.

"noo," calum giggles, moving his mouth away from paxtons small hand, "dont do that to me."

paxton just continues to giggle and babble, making calum smile.

"lets play," calum says, and then carefully sits down. then, he sets paxton down on his play mat.

they play together until the timer goes off, and when it does it almost shakes calum out of his own skin.

calum wasnt ready to look at them.

"alright, why dont you come with me you little stinker," calum says, standing up. paxton frowns when calum stands up, and he holds his little arms out for calum.

"i know, i know baby," calum says, and picks paxton up. the baby hums comfortablely, and lays his head on calums shoulder.

"dada's boy, huh?" calum says, and kisses paxtons head. calum was calmer as long as he had paxton in his arms, and he knew if he didnt go now, he wouldnt go later. the nerves would end up eating him alive.

so, he carries paxton with him to the bathroom, and goes straight to the sink, where all four tests laid.

all four tests read positive.


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