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"you're pregnant with twins."

calum stops breathing.

"calum?" the doctor asks, seeing calums pale face.

"calum," ashton says, a bit louder. calum shakes his head, and looks to ashton with watery eyes.

deep down, past his ribcage and his heart...calum knew there was no way he would make it through this pregnancy. paxton was a tough one to get through, and twins? it had been almost twelve weeks and it felt like hell to calum.

"whats..." calum trails off, looking at the doctor with sad eyes, "what do you think about the pregnancy?"

"wait," ashton buts in, "you cant be serious, calum? don't you remember the struggle with paxton?"

"just, hush," calum says, and turns back to the doctor.

"im saying this as nicely as i can, and as politely as i can," the doctor says, keeping his voice soft, "your best option would be to have an abortion. i only say this because, well you know all the facts from before. paxton was a miracle. and twins, calum, without a female reproductive system...they would kill you."

calum gulps. ashtons head hangs low. it was hard for them, it really was.

"just, take a couple days, and talk it over. call me when you have made a decision. you have my number."

"thank you," calum whispers, not strong enough to talk any louder. neither of them knew what to do.


the car ride home was silent. luckily, paxton was fast asleep in his car seat. even then, calum didn't know what was worse. the silence or paxton crying.

maybe paxton crying would help the thoughts quiet down in his head.

when ashton parks the car, neither of them make an attempt to move. the engines ticking echoes the garage, but calum thinks the silence is louder.

calum doesn't want to give up the two babies he has growing inside him. it was breaking his heart the more he thought about it. ashton didn't want to think about it either. of course, he would do anything to keep calum and the unborn babies safe. ashton would give his own life for all of them.

yet, the world didnt work that way.

the facts were right in front of their faces. they both lived through the first pregnancy. it was hell for them both. and, the doctor was right. without the proper reproductive system, there really wasn't any hope.


"yes, baby?"

"can we go inside? i wanna cuddle with you," calum whispers. he still couldn't find the strength to lift his gaze and look into his lovers eyes.

"of course. i'll grab paxie," ashton mumbles. they get out after that. ashton grabs paxton, who wakes up and starts to cry since he needed changed.

neither of the boys say anything for the rest of the day, almost. they didn't know what to say. there was too much tension, and...calum just knew what they would end up doing.

so, they stayed quiet. they stayed quiet and thanked the sun for the day that they had.

thats all they could do.


short, but important
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