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"why are you crying?" ashton asks softly, leaning forward so he could wipe the tears from falling off of calums flushed cheeks. the smaller boy looks at ashton with sad eyes, and then looks down to his pregnant belly.

"calum, it's not like i was going to get you pregnant again after this," ashton says, making sure to keep his tone soft and sweet. calum needed reassurance right now.

"i know," calum mumbles sadly, "but like...we could try."

"no," ashton says, knocking that idea away before calum could even add on, "im not going to get you pregnant again after this. no way. this is the only baby we will have together."

if the baby survives.

"but-but, ashton," calum gasps, "i want another baby. you know i've always wanted kids."

"i know that," ashton says, "i want to spend the rest of my life with my loving boyfriend. i cant do that if you're dead."

"im gonna die at some point," calum grumbles.

"yes, at some point," ashton agrees, "but that wont be any time soon. look, baby, im not saying we cant adopt a baby after this, im not. i would love to adopt a kid. but you, getting pregnant, no. that's not gonna happen. you're barely surviving this pregnancy. i think our best option is to have the procedure done."

calum doesn't say anything. all he does is stare at his hands, which laid in his lap. the thing was, calum knew ashton was right. as much as he wanted to get pregnant again, and have another one of ashtons babies, it just wasn't going to work. this wasn't a fairy tail and he wasn't going to get a happily ever after.

well, he was. just one where he couldn't get pregnant again. right now, while he was currently pregnant, he couldn't even think about having that procedure done. there was still going to be that hope tucked away in the back of his head - where the doctor came in, and said everything was perfect and there was absolutely no problem getting pregnant again.


"what?" calum mumbles, still chewing softly on his bottom lip.

"im sorry," ashton whispers, "i just want the best for you. you know that."

"i know," calum mumbles, looking at ashton, "i just...i don't want to think about the procedure right now. not while im still pregnant. i know you're right. i love you."

"i love you too...you know, all i want is to give you the world. im sorry i cant give you another baby," ashton says, "im sorry. if it didnt risk both of you, i would. im so thankful for our baby now, though. this baby will be a miracle."

"a miracle, huh?" calum says, a teasing smile on his face as he wipes his eyes.

"yeah," ashton says, thinking for a minute, "our miracle baby."

joy fills calums heart, and starts to spill down the sides. as much as ashton right, calum knew the procedure would happen. right now, though, all he wanted was to cuddle ashton and feel the love that the three of them shared.

"i love you," calum whispers, "so much. you mean so much to me, ashton."

"i love you too," ashton says, a smile on his face, "and i would do anything for you. i hope you know that."

"i do," calum says, "can we cuddle? need to feel you close to me, please."

"of course, my love."

so, ashton cuddles calum on the bed, his hand rubbing soft circles on calums tummy as calums hand rests on top of ashtons.

even though they were stuck at a hospital, calum felt like he was at home. with ashton, and their soon to be baby.


kinda sad
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