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after another couple weeks of the on and off sickness, ashton makes calum a doctors appointment. the older boy had to work, though, so their friend michael decided to go with calum to his doctors appointment (ashton knew michael could comfort the boy just in case he started to panic).

so, a couple hours after ashton left for work, michael pulled into the driveway and honked the horn.

"im coming!" calum yells, locking the door behind him. once its locked, he shoves his keys into his pocket and runs over to the passenger side.

"you're not going to throw up in my car, are you?" michael asks once calums in the car, buckling up.

"no," calum hisses, "im not sick today. im fine. and i have no urge to throw up."

"what crawled up your ass and died?"

"your face."

"if i could shove my face up your ass-"

"stop!" calum squeals, putting his hands over his ears. michael just laughs, very happy with himself.

"your virgin ears cant handle my talk, huh?" michael chuckles, pulling out of the driveway.

"im not a virgin," calum says, rolling his eyes, "ashtons fucked me plenty of times."

"i dont see why he would, you aren't that pretty."

"fuck you."

"only if you grow your curls out and put on some mascara."

"i fucking hate you," calum whines, leaning his head against the window, "why did ashton make you come with me?"

"because you're sick and he had to work. besides, you love me. we're gonna have a fun time!"

calum just sighs.

"what should we get for lunch?" michael asks, humming along to the engine quietly.

"what? we're getting lunch?"

"duh. im not taking your ass to a doctor's appointment and not getting lunch afterwards. you know i'll be hungry. and i know you'll be hungry too."

michael was right. with the rate calums going at, he was going to be hungry.

"why do you know me so well?" calum groans.

"i've known you for your whole life, hood. i know you better than you know yourself."

calum smiles. even though michael was a pain in the ass, he truly loved his best friend.


"im nervous," calum admits, his leg shaking from nerves as they wait in the waiting room.

"you shouldn't be. they're just gonna look you over and prescribe you antibiotics, probably. that's it," michael says, flipping to the next page in the magazine he was reading.

"will you come back with me?" calum asks, blushing a bit. calum mentally reminds himself to thank ashton later. even though michael was kind of annoying, calum was so grateful ashton called him and asked him to drive calum to his appointment. just like michael knew calum, ashton knew calum just as well.

"if you want me to, i can."


"sure. now let me finish-"

"calum hood?"

michael pouts, and sets the magazine down. they both get up, and follow the nurse back to a little private room. after a couple questions, and the normal check up requirements, the nurse hands calum a blue gown and tells him to strip.

"the doctor will be with you shortly," she says before leaving the two alone in the room. michael giggles, and puts his face over his hands.

"thanks," calum mumbles, stripping down. once the gown is on, he has michael tie it so it doesn't open up in the back.

"are you ready?"

"no," calum mumbles, pouting as he sits up on the bed. calum swings his legs back and forth, and chews on his bottom lip as he waits for the doctor to enter the room.

which, surprisingly isnt that long of a wait.

there's a knock on the door, and then it's being pushed open, "hello, boys. im doctor smith."

"hello, doctor," michael says smugly.

"hi, doc," calum mumbles. the doc sits on his rolly chair, and sets his laptop on the counter. after a couple minutes of typing, he turns to calum.

"so, tell me, what seems to be the problem today, calum?"

"i've been sick, lately," calum says, "and it's like, every other day. i'll wake up around there or four in the morning, sick, and for the rest of the day i have a bad fever, bad cold sweats, vomiting, aches, pains, and...and the runs."

calum blushes, looking down at his feet.

"what happens the next day?"

"well, usually i'll be fine. everything will be normal. sometimes, not usually, i'll be sick for a couple days in a row. but the throwing up and the fevers have really slowed me down. and the aches. my whole body just aches day after day. do you know why im sick so often, but not everyday in a row?"

the doctor keeps tying, "well, i definitely want to do bloodwork. this sounds like something serious, but without some lab work i wont be able to put a label on this sickness.

"oh boy," michael pipes in, "if there was any word about needles before calum came, he wouldve brought his boyfriend instead of me."

the doctor turns to calum.

calum blushes a deeper red, "im sorry for him-"

"no, its okay," the doctor smiles, "when was the last time you had unprotected sex?"

"uh," calum says, "a-a couple days ago."

the doctor nods, "go ahead, get dressed up. i'll send a phlebotomist in in a couple minutes for that bloodwork."


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