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26 weeks pregnant

"im almost seven months pregnant!" calum says between sobs. his chest was rising and falling just as quick as the tears falling down his cheeks. ashton tries his best to calm calum down, and to get him to stop crying.

calum was fine five minutes ago. the boy was peacefully eating his pasta while watching some sort of netflix show. then, he had bursted into tears and ashton really had to idea on how to stop them.

"you're glowing, darling," ashton says softly, rubbing out calums back, "and you're so beautiful this way. i love you so much, and i love our baby."

"r-really?" calum hiccups, rubbing his hand over his swollen big stomach, "because im just fat!"

"no, no, you're not fat," ashton says, placing his hand overtop of calums hand on his tummy, "you're pregnant, remember? our baby is growing inside you. and soon enough, we'll get to see our beautiful baby. you want a healthy baby, right?"

calum sniffs, but nods anyway.

"okay. then in order for the baby to be healthy, the baby needs to grow. so, that's why you're getting bigger. your body is feeding the baby, which is making the baby grow, and that's so good for the baby."

"yeah," calum hiccups, and rubs his hand over his big, seven month swollen belly, "our baby."

"yeah, that's our baby," ashton says, a smile on his face as he puts his hand on top of calums. the action makes calum smile, and look over into ashtons eyes.

"hey, ashy?"

"yes, darling?"

"im hungry."

ashton laughs, "okay, baby. what did you want me to make for dinner?"

"can we have egg salad sandwiches? pretty please?"

"i...calum, you dont like egg salad."

"well, i really want some. please?"

"okay, okay. that's fine," ashton says, and stands up. in the back of his mind, he knew to make mac and cheese since calum wouldnt even eat half of a sandwich.

which, he ended up being wrong. calum ended up eating a whole egg salad sandwich and a bowl of mac and cheese. ashton was kind of surprised, and kind of disgusted, but he knew once calum had the baby, calum wouldnt be having anymore weird cravings.

ashton only walked away for ten minutes. he was only halfway done washing the dishes when a loud, pain filled scream echoed the small home. ashtons never ran faster in his life.

it was easy to follow the loud cries that lead straight to the bathroom, where calum was at.

everything moved so quickly once ashton saw calum.

the boy was bent over, a hand on his bump, and there was blood pouring down his legs so quickly, the puddle of blood at his feet was spreading out just as quick. calums screams of pain and agony just turned to background noise, and instead ashton only heard his quick heartbeat in his ears, along with a ringing noise.

ashton remembers calling the squad, trying to stop the bleeding while waiting for the ambulance to arrive, and them riding in the back as they rushed calum back to the hospital.

ashtons never been so terrified in his life.


short, sorry):
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