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calum and ashton wait, big smiles on their faces, as they watch for the doctor to bring the baby into their room.

paxton rose irwin-hood was born on january 2nd, 2020 at seven twenty-five in the morning. the baby weighed seven pounds and one ounce, and was declared a perfectly healthy baby boy. calum and ashton couldn't even contain their happiness. they had a perfectly healthy baby boy, calum was perfectly healthy, and after three days in the hospital they could take their baby home.

"alright, are you ready for your baby?" a nurse asks, a smile on her face as she peeks her head into their room.

"yes, please," calum says, clasping his hands together in his lap. his stomach wasn't a swollen bump anymore, since there wasn't a baby inside him, but he did have some baby fat that ashton wanted calum to keep forever.

the nurse nods, and after a couple moments the doctor brings in the baby. the baby was wrapped in a blue blankets, and had a little blue hat on his head. loud cries echoed with the baby, and as soon as calum had his baby against his chest the baby's cries died off.

"hi, my love," calum says softly as he looks at the baby in his arms. the baby had calums skin (which ashton was so happy about. calums skin was so beautiful and soft. ashton knew the baby would grow up to be a smart, beautiful, and extremely loving boy).

"hi, paxie," ashton whispers, leaning in so he could smile down at the baby. calum looks over, and is mirroring ashtons own happiness. they were both so happy and so excited that they finally got to meet their baby.

"calum? ashton?"

they both look over, to see luke and michael walking into their hospital room.

"hey guys," ashton says, making sure to keep his voice lower, "meet paxton rose irwin-hood."

calum smiles as they come over, and start cooing at the small baby in calums arms. the baby is making noises, as they do, and reaches his little hand up. calum offers the baby his finger, in which paxton wraps his tiny fingers around.

tears cloud in calums eyes. it had been such a long and hard road, dealing with the pregnancy, and now he was holding his baby in his arms, and paxtons fingers were so tiny around his finger and he couldn't contain his happiness-

"sweetheart?" ashton asks softly, wiping the tears off of calums cheeks, "whats wrong?"

"im so happy," calum says, leaning down to place a soft kiss to paxtons head.

"im happy too...can i hold paxie?" ashton asks softly. calum nods, and let's ashton gently grab their baby from his arms. ashton smiles at the baby boy in his arms.

"hi baby," ashton says softly, gently rocking the baby in his arms, "im your daddy. yes i am. you're gonna be a daddys boy, yeah you are."

calums heart flutters at ashton talking to their baby. luke and mike both smile, so happy for their friends. it was an amazing start to the year.

"i love you, paxton," ashton says softly, leaning down to kiss the baby. the baby gurgles, making ashton giggle at bit.

then, ashton thinks - why was i ever so scared of having this?


oooo here we are
comments? predictions?
i have no sense of time and i really wanted the baby to be born on the second
love u!

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