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another month later, and ashton knows something is off. one day, calums eating everything known to existence, and then the next day he's throwing up and sick. and after another day, he's fine.

ashton didnt get it.

ashton wasnt happy either when he was woken up, quarter after four, to calum throwing up in the bathroom. quiet choked sobs echo the lightly lit room. ashton wants to just curl back up, and go back to sleep.

calums done this for the past week and he's tired of it. 

then, he feels selfish when a pain filled sob echoes into the room. it makes him slowly climb out of bed, and go over into the bathroom. his eyes water a bit at first, but that doesnt stop him from kneeling behind calum, and gently rubbing the boys back.

"you good, babyboy?" ashton asks softly. calum lets out a little cry, and uses toilet paper to wipe his mouth.

"i don't f-feel good," calum mumbles, leaning back into ashton.

"shit, your warm," ashton frowns, "flush the toilet than stand up, okay? im gonna take your temperature." 

calum does as told, and then sits down on the closed toilet seat. he felt to weak to stand. ashton wipes the thermometer, and then presses it to calums temple.

"im thirsty," calum says. ashton takes a good look at calums face, and sees sweat running down the pale skin.

"i'll get you water in a second, alright?" ashton asks, pulling the thermometer back when it beeps.

"am i good?" calum croaks.

"you have a fever of one hundred and two," ashton frowns, "...go lay down, i'll go get you some water."

calum nods, and takes his time going back to bed since everything started to spin. ashton puts the thermometer back, and then goes to get his baby a ice cold cup of water, and a cold cloth for his head.

calums lays on his side of the bed, curled up in a ball when ashton comes back in the room.

"sit up for me," ashton says, walking over to his side of the bed. once calums sitting up, ashton sits on the edge of his bed and hands calum the water.

"thank you," calum says, his hand shaky as he slowly takes the cup to his lips and starts to drink. he drinks about half before he takes a break, and then finishes the rest of the water.

"good, you can lay down now," ashton says, standing up. he sets the empty cup down on the nightstand, then tucks calum into bed.

"what's that?" calum asks, pointing to the cloth he had been holding.

"it's for your head," ashton says softly, gently putting the cold cloth on his head once he's laid down. calum whimpers when the cool cloth touches his warm head, but it quickly starts to feel good. it helped him to feel not so hot.

"thank you," calum whispers, "you're the best."

"you think you can try to go back to sleep, baby?"

"can you sing?" calum says, making a pouty face to ashton. the older boy sighs as he sits on his side of the bed, and gets under the blankets.

"fine. only because i love you," ashton says. he clears his throat, and then takes a deep breath.

"loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes,
but it's the only thing that i know
when it gets hard, you know it can get hard sometimes,
it's the only thing that makes us feel alive..."

once ashton finishes the song, he smiles at calum. the boy is fast asleep, with a cute little smile on his face. ashton sends out a text to his manager, clicks the lamp off, and lays down.


ashton wakes up to calum nudging him.

"a-ashy, wake up."

"hmm," ashton grunts, and turns around so he's facing calum, "what's wrong, calum?"

"aren't you suppose to be at work?" calum hiccups, "its almost eight am."

"why are you up so early?" ashton asks, easily diverting the topic. the older boy sits up, and quickly presses his hand to calums forehead.


"you're still burning up," ashton says, and climbs out of bed.


"i texted my boss before i went to bed. took the day off to take care of you. now, lay down. im getting you some water, medicine, and toast. just to see if you can hold it down."

"i love you, ashy," calum says, laying back down on the bed. even though he's burning up, his skin was cold. so, he brought the fluffy blanket up and wrapped it around himself.

"you know, if you still have a temperature im gonna have to take that blanket away..."

calum pouts, "no, ashy. 'm cold."

ashton worries more.

"just relax. i'll be right back," ashton sighs, going to get what he needed for calum. the older boy only hoped that calum got better.


oop, im excited for this story
comments? predictions?
love u!

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