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"you're always gonna be my little man, right?" calum asks, rocking paxton in their kitchen. it was about four in the morning, and calum was already awake so when paxton started to cry, calum was there. there was one light on in the kitchen, the one above the sink, so the room was barley lit.

paxton continues to babble quietly, making calum smile.

"always my little man. i love you so much," calum whispers, holding his pointer finger out, to which paxton wraps his tiny fingers around and starts to tug at. calum chuckles a bit, and starts to sway in the kitchen.

"you look so beautiful, cal."

calum gasps, and turns around, "you scared me, ash!"

ashton smiles softly, "im sorry, that wasn't my intention. i just...you look so beautiful, calum. so, so beautiful."

ashton comes up, behind calum, and slowly wraps his arms around calum's waist. then, he nuzzles his head onto calums shoulder.

"i can never stay mad at you," calum whispers, "especially when you talk like that."

"like what?"

"like a poet that's so in love, and can't contain its poems."

"well, i can't help it," ashton says softly, "maybe i am a poet, and im so in love. so in love with you and i cant contain the poems that come to my mind when i see you."

"you're such a sap," calum whispers, leaning his head back. there's a shy smile on calums face, along with a blush on his cheeks. ashton smiles back at him, and places a soft kiss to calums lips.

paxton starts to babble louder, making calum and ashton giggle.

"i don't think paxton likes it when we kiss," calum whispers, swaying back and forth along with calum.

"thats cause he's a daddys boy," ashton says, holding his finger up to paxton. their baby smiles, and waves his arms happily before grabbing onto ashtons fingers.

"im a daddys boy too," calum says with a pout. ashton giggles.

"yeah, i guess you're a daddys boy too," ashton says, "too bad i love paxton more than you, so he's my number one."

"paxton's my number one too," calum gasps, and right then paxton happily screams, starting to flail his arms again.

"he's definitely your kid, though," ashton says, "wanting to play at four a.m is completely something you would do."


"what? you know its true," ashton says, gently taking paxton out of calums arms. calum wraps his arms around himself, and smiles at paxton, who happily smiles back.

"okay, maybe its a little true."

"a little. anyway, why dont you go lay back down in bed, baby? i can handle paxton from here. you go get some rest."

"no, its okay. i'll stay up with you and paxton."

"are you sure? you can go sleep, i don't mind."

"im already awake anyway. why don't we all play together? we can sleep when the sun starts to rise, if paxton wants to sleep then anyways."

"okay, baby," ashton giggles, "lets go up to paxtons play room then."

calum smiles, and latches himself onto one side of ashtons body as they all go together up to paxtons play room.

even at four in the morning, everything felt to right to the happy little family.


sorry, its short, but i haven't updated lately. im sorry.
comments? predictions?
love u

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