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luke and michael had visited everyday for three weeks to make sure the boys were alright. of course, they were alright as they could be. it wasnt easier, not at all, but calum felt some sort of relief when he held paxton in his arms.

paxton made him feel better, even if it was just a little.

calum was currently sitting on the rocking chair in paxtons room as paxton slept peacefully on calums chest. calum couldn't help but just admire his baby. the way he slept with his litle hands curled up by his face, his little mouth parted as he drooled a bit since he was teething more, and his quiet little breaths. calum loved his baby so, so much.

a couple quiet knocks against the door made calum look up, to see ashton in the doorway.

"hey," ashton says softly, "luke and mikey are here...they wanna go out today. how do you feel about that?"

"go out where?"

"they said like, to the park or something."

"i mean, why not?" calum asks, "its such a beautiful day. we should go outside and get some nice, fresh air."

"alright, i'll go tell them that you want to go," ashton says, a smile on his face as he leaves the doorway. calum smiles back - a soft, full of love smile. smiling had become a little easier, but some days it still felt like chore.

"guess we're going out for a bit, huh paxie?" calum whispers softly, placing a soft kiss to his babies head. paxton just continues to sleep, making calum smile.

"that means we gotta change you into warmer clothes, and we gotta get a beanie on your head," calum whispers, still smiling, "and we're gonna make daddy get your stroller ready and in the car. yeah, we're gonna put daddy to work."


"it is such a beautiful day," calum says, pushing the stroller along the walking path. ashton, who walked next to calum, hummed in agreement.

"its an amazing day," luke says, turning around since him and michael were a couple steps ahead of them, "we're glad you guys came out with us today."

"yeah, since you guys never come out with us anymore," michael says, faking a pout, "you know, since your parents and all."

"yeah, michael," calum says, mocking michael, "its not like we have a baby at home to take care of or anything."

"oh, nooo. no beautiful baby," michael says, walking over to the stroller where paxton was strapped in. the baby had a pretty baby blue beanie on, and a nice blanket over his body while he sucked happily on his pacifier. michael coos, and then holds his finger out for paxton, who squeals happily and flails his arms out.

calum smiles as he watches his best friend interact with his beautiful baby.

"come on, guys," luke says, and nods his head towards the trails, "we're almost there. then, we can go eat. im hungry."

"can't you see im having a moment with paxton?" michael says, pouting at luke. of course, he was just messing around. they were all hungry.

"oh, yes, you're right. please, forgive me."

"only if you pay for my meal."


"today was a good day," calum says, lifting up the covers so he could lay next to ashton in bed.

"it was. im glad we went out with them," ashton says, flat on his back. he lays his arm across the bed, that way its easier for calum to curl up against his side. like always, calums hair tickles ashtons bicep but it doesn't matter - ashton could live with it.

"paxton did really well, too," calum hums, nuzzling his nose against ashtons bare chest. ashton presses a soft kiss to calums head.

"he did. im surprised."

"yeah. he only cried when he needed changed and when he was hungry."

"hmm. sounds a lot like his mama," ashton says, giggling quietly after his comment.

"i only cry when im hungry. and horny."

"then you're always crying," ashton says, and yelps happily when he feels calum pinch his chest.

"you're an asshole."

"well, i am what i eat."

"oh my god, go to sleep already," calum says, feeling a blush creep up his next.

"yes, sir."

calum leans up, pecks ashtons lips, and then nuzzles himself back down on ashtons chest, where he loved to be.

right by ashtons heart.


a cute chapter to help with whats happened lately
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