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the morning of the procedure

it was about four in the morning when calum woke up to a sharp pain, and something wet between his legs.

"ashton," calum cries out, and harshly shoves ashton awake, "ashton!"

"hmm, what?" ashton groans. it only takes a second to fully wake up, since there was something wet soaking into his boxers. for a second, ashton thought that calum had just...had an accident.

"ow, ow!" calum hisses, shoving his hand down into his boxers, trying to feel where the wetness was coming from.

"hold on," ashton mumbles, getting out of the bed so he could turn on the light. another gasp leaves calums lips - it felt like someone was taking a knife from inside him, and cutting everything open slowly. it hurt so bad, and it was making calum feel sick quickly.

"holy shit," ashton whispers, staring at calum with wide eyes when he turns on the light.

"what?" calum groans, taking his hand out from underneath the blankets. calums eyes were wide when he saw his hand covered in a layer of red liquid.

"ashton," calum gasps, feeling his heart rate increase. then, it all hits calum like a train. ashton swore he saw all of the color leave calums face at once, leaving his lover extremely pale.

calum feels light headed and nauseous, and they both just stared at the blood. ashton takes a step forward, and rips the blanket off of calum.

half of their bed is covered with red, along with the lower part of calums body.

"hospital," calum chokes out. then, another sharp pain shoots up calums spine, making him sob out and hold onto his stomach. ashtons mouth falls dry as he grabs his phone, and calls michael.

there was no way ashton was gonna take paxton to the hospital.

ashton shakily explains whats going on once a half asleep michael answers the phone. it seems to wake michael up, though.

right as ashton is helping calum into the car, michael and luke pull up in the driveway. neither of them say anything - the boys rush inside, while ashton rushes calum to the hospital.


"do you think calum is okay?" michael asks, rocking paxton in his arms.

it was about nine in the morning. michael had changed paxton, fed him, and then burped him. so, now that paxton had been up for a bit, the baby was tired.

"i hope so," luke says, and looks at his phone, "they've been gone for almost four hours."

"i know," michael mumbles, and continues to slowly rock paxton. the baby babbles a couple times, and then starts to drool all over michael.

which, they're both too worried to even care.

"should we call ashton?" luke asks.

"'m not sure."

they stand in silence for a couple minutes, trying to decide what to do. luckily, they don't have to make a decision. lukes phone starts to vibrate in his hand.

"its ashton!" luke says, quickly answering the call.

"hey, ash," luke says, looking up at michael, "how is everything?"

michael mouths put him on speaker! but, luke wasnt the smartest and had no idea what michael was trying to say. all michael could do was watch lukes facial expressions.

"put him on speaker, dumbass!" michael whispers harshly. lukes face pales, but then he puts the call on speaker and sets the phone down.

"ash, what's going on?" michael asks, feeling more worry flood his bloodstream.

there's silence on the line, and then he hears ashton sniff.

"calum, he..."

michael sucks in a breath.

"he had a miscarriage."


there we go
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