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i like my body when it is with your body.

It's a habit, but it's one she welcomes, enjoys even. After the running is done, after the adrenaline is finished rushing through her body, after the old girl is safely back in the vortex once again, after the adventure is over - she likes to unwind.

This time is no different, Amy and Rory have gone to their room, drained and exhausted from lack of sleep and their energy bottoming out. The Doctor has wandered underneath the console, presumably to mess about with things the poor TARDIS doesn't need fixed, but she isn't staying to see. Instead she slips down the hall to her own room, peels her clothes off quickly and steps into her swim suit - a two piece in a bright, familiar blue.

She wraps her towel around her, padding down the hallway in bare feet until she comes upon the pool - in a room of its own, the walls and ceiling tiled in azure and the cool blue water glistening invitingly. Her towel is left by the door, and she steps down into the cool water before diving underwater completely, her body slicing through the water until she surfaces a good few meters into the pool. It is a huge room, and the pool fills it completely and totally. It has bends and nooks and crannies - there is a waterfall hidden in one of the side rooms, and a wide shelf lines the walls just a few inches under the water. She remembers the first time she saw it, so long ago; she'd fallen in love almost instantly.

She doesn't swim tonight though, doesn't disappear into its many hiding places, instead she turns over on her back and floats gently, the water spreading her hair in a halo around her and the water in her ears makes sounds eerie and muffled. She closes her eyes and simplyexists in a room that is blue all over, ceiling to floor, a calming peace stealing over her.

It really is her favourite colour. She can hear the hum of the TARDIS through the water, a warm sound that is like soothing white noise. She hears footfalls on the floor reverberate through to her, sluggish and dull, and she opens her eyes, righting herself and treading water to see the Doctor gaping around the room from the doorway. She swims closer until she can touch bottom and looks at him expectantly. "Cat got your tongue sweetie?"

"This isn't my pool." He is staring around him in disbelief and she smiles up at him from her position within the water.

"Well it's in your ship, so it's seems to me that it is, in fact, your pool." She lifts her brows in a mocking gesture and he scoffs, his hands on his hips as he glares at her.

"Of course it's my pool, but it's new. We had to delete the old one trying to escape a bubble universe a while back." She feels inexplicably sad at his words - this has long been her second favourite room in the entire ship. Her first favourite being his room of course, but she doubts she's been in there yet in his timeline.

"It's always been like this for me. I don't suppose that counts as a spoiler, do you?" She tilts her head and her wet curls brush her shoulder.

"How big is it?" He is peering down the length of the room, attempting to see the end and she shrugs with a grin.

"I've no idea. Never mapped out all of it. Suppose you'd have to join me and see for yourself." She flicks the water a bit as she speaks and he glances down at her nervously.

"Well you're - that is - you're not wearing a whole very lot -"

"Yes, well I did leave my Victorian swimming costume back at the prison. Pity - you'd have loved the pantaloons." She is teasing him and he moves to straighten his lapels, belatedly realizing he doesn't have his tweed on any longer - he's in his usual attire for working on the TARDIS - rolled up shirt sleeves.

"Well I don't want to keep you up." He stutters next and she rolls her eyes.

"Part-timelord remember? I don't sleep much, never have." She shrugs again and pushes her hand against the water in front of her, creating a small wave that ripples out toward him. "Join me or not, it makes no difference."

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