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Rory entered his home to sounds of faint screams of joy emanating from the backyard. He placed his bag on the hook and made his way through the flat. Upon seeing his wife and daughter dancing outside, curiosity had fully consumed him. "What's going on?" he asked walking into the back yard.

Amy flung herself into his arms, her words rushing into his ear. "He faked it. He's still alive! He didn't die!"

Rory looked into River's smiling eyes. There was no need for Rory to ask who "he" was; that horrid day on the bank of Lake Silencio would forever be burned into their family's memory. He desperately wanted to believe his wife, but he was achingly familiar with Rule One. "Are you sure, River? Are you really, properly sure?"

"Of course I'm sure," she replied with her usual sly grin. "I'm his wife."

"And I'm his… mother-in-law."

"Father dear, I think Mummy might need another drink."

"Right," Rory mumbled, mind racing. His left hand reached for one of the wine glasses on the table when a thought crossed his mind. "Wait, how much have you had?"

Amy shook off her current thoughts and closed her eyes; a common habit Rory knew when she wanted to concentrate. "Umm, a couple of sips."

He nodded and handed her the glass. "You can finish the glass but that's it."

"Rory, I just had to admit that I'm his mother-in-law," she whined, emphasizing each of the last four syllables.

"That is true, but this is time travel we're talking about, especially if their wedding happened like you said it did and is constantly occurring. That means you have always been the Doctor's mother-in-law, and always will be. You can drown your sorrows about that fact some other time. Besides, after this confirmation, I think I might end up drinking enough for the both of us tonight."

Amy scowled. "You never let me have any fun."

"No, I only let you have the maximum amount of safe fun."

"Same thing," she muttered as she sank back down in her chair.

Rory gently pulled Amy back up, took her seat, and pulled her down to sit on his lap as River took her chair back. Amy quickly finished off her glass, so Rory took it and refilled it for himself while River caught them up with memories from her side of the Byzantium adventures.

"Oh, I remember that night." Rory said with a shake of his head.

"But you weren't there." River replied with a questioning tone.

"He's referring to what happened after the Doctor and I got back after that particular adventure." Amy explained. "Not that she needs to know about that," she ordered with a warning look on her face.

"Know about what?" River asked now intrigued.

"How your mother came on to your husband." Rory answered before letting out a quick yelp of pain as his wife elbowed him in the ribs. The bruise he might have in the morning was worth hearing the boisterous laughter bubbling from River.

"I told you not to tell her about that," Amy exclaimed.

"Oh, Mother, I already knew about it." River said patting Amy's hand.

"He told you about that?" Amy asked horrified.

River shrugged as she answered. "He may have told me that he was grateful that I didn't kiss like my mother once."

Rory gave in to his automatic reaction of cringing upon hearing something innocent yet utterly inappropriate that the Doctor said. Amy's reaction differed greatly.

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