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It was boring. Far too boring. And, Gosh, it smelled terrible. The stone floor behind her was uncomfortable and the noises she could hear disturbing. People screaming, crying, moaning, cursing. 14th century England really wasn’t her cup of tea, especially when she got herself thrown in prison for witchcraft.

"Calm down, darling, I’m not going to eat you."

“Although…” she thought, looking at her cell companion. She was crawled on the opposite side of the room, praying and staring at River, terrified. She was a young woman no more than 25 and despite River’s insistence, she hadn’t given her name or the reason of her imprisonment. She only kept calling a River a “devil’s creature” while holding her crucifix. She was pretty enough, River decided, though she’d probably need a good bath. At least, the girl was a distraction. River was still trying to figure out how to get out of there.

Initially, she had been supposed to join her team for a digging in the 24th century, but the disposable time-travel devices that they gave to the students were junk. They had received instructions on what to do if you weren’t sent at the right place but she’d been busy flirting with the newbie that day. She didn’t have a gun because it had seemed useless against the dead people she was supposed to visit, and the only weapon she had carried was a dagger hidden in her boot. Unfortunately, the men who seized her had taken it from her after a body search - during which said men had taken “outrageous liberties” as she had scolded. She’d been sentence to death at the stake - apparently, they weren’t so fond of women appearing out of nowhere with a device screaming “Error ! Error ! Assistance is being contacted !” Damn, their assistance clearly needed to reassess their execution speed because she’d been in that cell for six hours already.

"Mental note : no matter what, always bring a gun," she sighed.

She’d been trying to slow down the use of guns since Berlin - since she discovered what a heartless assassin they had made of her - but, well; Her life was definitely too complicated not to take precautions. Oh, what a day Berlin had been. Trying to kill the Doctor and falling for him at the same time. Questioning her whole life. And then changing said life to study archaeology. At the beginning, it had been an excuse to get to know more about this extraordinary man, to know where he’d been, what he’d done, whether she truly had been right to sacrifice her lives for his. And somehow, through those pages and stories, through the few memories she had from their sole encounter, she had felt the urge to make him hers. That simply seemed delusional, though. He was the Doctor, a man known throughout the universe for his battles and victories, goodness and strength, wisdom and pacifism. And who was she but a girl that just happened to stand in his way because of her parents ? That day, when he refused to watch her being tortured by the Teselecta, he had acted out of friendship for Amy and Rory, she believed. But then… There was the blue, TARDIS-shaped book he gave her as a promise of oncoming meetings. And the words he whispered at her ear as he was dying, the message for River Song. She shivered thinking about it. She was longing to see him again.

"How can ya witch smile knowing you’re soon going to hell ?" said the girl in an angry yet trembling voice.

"Oh, but I’ll be leaving hell as soon as I get out of there, sweetheart, and I could help you escape if you’d be so kind as -"

"I’ll never have business with a concubine of Satan !" she cried.

River rolled her eyes. "Look, you can’t be an angel if you found yourself here."

The girl opened her mouth to reply, River was finally about to discover the crime of her companion when someone was thrown off in their cell.

Someone with an anachronic suit and a chin bigger than allowed.

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