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Chapter 1
Chapter Text
a heartbeat at my feet

“All I’m saying is that we couldn’t say no, River!” The Doctor strode down the street after her and she rolled her eyes in a huff. “You don’t save someone’s entire race and then say no to whatever gift they choose to give you at the end of it.” He shifted the large box in his arms. “It could be something cool.”

“Oh please Doctor, it’s supposed to psychically scan you and turn into whatever it thinks will please you best. You and I both know that thing is going to scan you and turn itself into the most hideous hat possible.” She unlocked the TARDIS doors ahead of him and he walked after her, bouncing up the stairs and setting the box on the glass flooring.

“It might not be a hat! It could be a- a- new bowtie or – or – what pleases me best.” He grinned at that, his tone dropping suggestively and River laughed out loud.

“You don’t get to have two of me, Doctor.” She pointed out as she typed in coordinates and sent them into the Vortex. “You can barely handle one as it is.”

“Oh you’d probably like it.” He breathed out by her ear, standing quite close to her, his hands on her waist. She paused for a moment to contemplate it before smiling.

“Not as much as you would. And this coming from a man who brought me two of himself for my last birthday-”

“It was a special occasion.” He protested, adjusting his bowtie with a faint blush on his cheeks. “And I mean, well – I’m hot.”

“Oh it was a very special occasion, sweetie. No go open your present so I can kill it and we can go to bed.” She purred, turning toward him and pressing her frame into his.

“I’m not tired.” He protested and she arched a brow at him in disbelief.

“Who said I was going to let you sleep, sweetie?” She brushed a hand over his bowtie and he grinned, rocking back on his heels for a moment. He reached for her hand suddenly, pulling her over by the box and smiling at her.

“I think you should open it.”

“But it’s yours.” She pointed out and he shook his head.

“No, it’s ours and it only imprints on the person opening it, and I think it should be you, River. Come on. Open it.”

“You just want two of you again – we can always swing by and make you a new-”

“No, no, no. River.” He flapped his hands and pushed her toward the large box. “That’s for special occasions.”

“Every day is a special occasion with you, sweetie.” She spoke dryly, placing her hands on the box as he adjusted the lapels of his coat.

“Well… yeah.” He leaned over her shoulder as the box glowed against her palms before returning to its normal colour.

“Does that mean it’s finished?” She frowned and he nodded behind her.

“Must. Open it – open it!” He was all but bouncing around behind her and she rolled her eyes, pulling the box open to reveal- “A puppy!” The Doctor stared at her in shock and she looked at him with a frown.

“Why on Earth would it think I wanted a puppy?” The dog in question sat in the box, thumping his tail happily, grinning widely up at them both before standing, its front paws on the edge of the box.

“It’s adorable.” The Doctor reached past her, pulling the small dog out and placing it on the floor before promptly sitting next to it. “Hello, you. Do you have a name?”

“But I didn’t want a puppy.”

“Well no, that’s my name, we can’t call you Doctor because I’m Doctor and then she’d say ‘come here Doctor’ and we’d both come running. Not that I run when she calls. Except I do, a bit. You might want to too.” River stared at him for a beat before shaking her head.

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