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I am - in exactly the same way you are.

"On second thought this was probably a no-good, really bad terrible idea. I'm just forewarning you now." He's pouting, sitting on a small bench by the area cleared for ice skating and she grins at him, balancing carefully in front of him, with her skates already on.

"Oh, like I couldn't tell that from a mile away, Doctor. You on ice skates? Small children may get injured. However, you can hold my hand, I won't let you fall." She is teasing him and he adjusts his great coat with a huff. He'd not wanted to dress period appropriate, but she pointed out just how cold it had to be to freeze the Thames and he'd relented, somewhat grumpily giving up his bowtie for a cravat.

"Exactly my point River - can't I just watch you? I like watching you." His smile is warm and he takes one of her hands in his but she looks down at him with a slight pout, her bottom lip pushed out just a touch.

"You promised." She reminds him and he sighs greatly before pulling off his boots and shoving his feet into the skates that lay on the ground next to him. She smiled, because she does love winning - and after all today is a day made for her to win all the battles. Her birthday.

"How you get me to agree to these things I'll never know-"

"It's all in when you ask. For example you'll do almost anything after a good round of-"

"River!" He looks scandalised and she sits next to him, adjusting her skirts and laughing delightedly. He is lacing his skates up terribly, and she shoos his hands away.

"Here, put your foot here, I'll tie them. Have you even ever worn skates before?" She scolds as he drapes a leg across her lap. She scoots closer and they are being given those scandalous looks left right and center. Even for a married couple, they're not behaving very properly.

"At some point I am sure. I'll be fine - I can do anything you know, River Song. Anything you can do, I can do." He'd pulled his gloves off to lace his skates earlier and his fingers are cold as he strokes a finger down her nose gently. She snorts under breath and he laughs in delight. He's been oddly giddy today, and it's rubbing off on her own mood, which she doesn't mind.

"Like tie your own laces, I suppose?" She asks archly as she places his now skated feet on the ground. He glares at her as she stands, but she places her muff on the bench next to their boots and reaches out for his hands. "Come on then, up you go graceful." They walk hand in hand toward the ice, and she steps out first, turning to take his hand as he steps out.

"Oi! I am going to skate brilliantly just you wait and see. It's just a matter of physics-" He steps forward and before she can even make agrab for him, his legs fly out from under him and he lands in a terrific heap at her feet. She laughs because she can't not laugh, even while he is glaring at her from the cold ice.

"You're supposed to take my hand!" She insists, her voice still warm with laughter and tears wetting the corners of her eyes. He moves to get up and she holds out both hands quickly. "No wait! Get on your knees, and then put one blade on the ice. Take my hand and push yourself up from that foot, okay?" He is glaring at her but he eventually - with a great amount of muttered complaints - takes her hand and pushes himself up the way she instructed. He looks thrilled to be simply standing; both of his hands in hers and grinning at her like a fool.

"There see? Not so bad. I'll admit that was a- well, that was unfortunate but I simply wasn't prepared. Should have done environment checks." He points out helpfully and she smiles and shakes her head. "Shall we then?"

"Oh ho ho, no." She laughs, and grips his hands tighter, just in case he attempts taking off on his own. "You can't just go. You need to learn how first."

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