101(M)1 Mattex

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Chapter 1: It takes two to tango... or something like that.
Chapter Text

She's not sure of how she ended up in this situation.

Alex has to admit to herself though, she's not exactly surprised either.

Somehow, trouble always manages to find her. And as it turns out, it happens especially when Matt Smith is leading the way. And he certainly is right now, with his white t-shirt clinging to his body like a second skin, the thin fabric transparent and heavy, soaked in water. His hair is damp, pointing to all kinds of directions and he has nothing but the most unsubtle erection pressed against her body through his impossibly tight trousers.

It's a good thing that they happen to be under the shower at the moment, but even the cold water is not enough to erase the blush that creeps up to her face and the heat that seems to be emanating from their bodies. Alex does her best to avoid his eyes then, those inscrutable eyes that seem to make her skin tingle while exploring the smallest details of her anatomy without the least discretion.

She gulps soundly. How did she even get here?

A very inebriated Matt – with no regards for personal space whatsoever – speaks casually without taking his eyes off her lips.

"Why Miss Kingston, I must say, this got to be the best birthday gift ever!" He has the nerve to offer her a smug grin and his current state should at least affect his confidence.

A normal person, a proper person, would appear to be at least slightly embarrassed under the circumstances. However, this doesn't seem to be the case here. Matt looks rather pleased and quite honestly, better than ever. Soaked and sexy and too damn tempting and Alex doesn't realize it at first, but she's actually holding her breath at the sight of him.

"Matthew," she uses his name in a desperate attempt to regain control and bring herself to face this as a serious situation. Which, by all means, it is. He's drunk and obviously not able to think through the possible ramifications of their actions, which can lead to nowhere but trouble. Alex knows it way too well because against her better judgment, she’s fantasized about it, way too many times to be honest.

She's actually trying to conceal those exact thoughts when she hears herself saying. "You’re making me wet."

The words slip before she has the chance to stop them and by the time they are out, she already regrets them. Inappropriate doesn't even begin to describe this mess she’s gotten herself into. What's wrong with her? She is supposed to be the adult in this situation. And by the delighted grin that spreads all over Matt's face, and the very childish giggle that escapes his throat, she *IS* the only adult.

"Well Kingston, that's sort of the point."

Yes, trouble definitely has found her.

She's sure of it in the moment that Matt loses his grin and looks at her with eyes darkened with desire. It's written all over his face: he wants to touch her. He wants to fuck her.

Trouble is… She wants to let him.


This night, in particular, had started as innocently as they come.

It was Matt's first birthday after the end of his relationship with Daisy and the idea of taking him out came from Karen. More than once, during their shooting, Alex overheard his pleads to be left alone, but if there was one thing she had learned over the last two years was that 'what Karen wants, Karen gets'. Which, most of the time, was not necessarily a bad thing.

Usually, Alex wouldn't have considered joining the young group. Not that she'd have minded a little bit of fun or the company for that matter. She considered herself rather blessed to have the chance to work with such a fine group of people. They were dedicated and, not unlike herself, full of energy and love for the job. Only, most of the time, she had Salome with her and between the shootings and the frenetic rhythm of their lives in periods such as this, Alex just wasn't willing to sacrifice the few hours she had left to spend with her daughter.

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