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Chapter 2

"Looks like the leg coordination is coming back already, wife." He whispered sexily in her ear, then sucked lightly on her ear lobe.

"Oh, yes, more..." Her legs tightened around him again.

He chuckled wickedly.

They awoke, still curled around each other in her bed, as morning sunlight danced around them through the window shades.

"This is nice. Didn't think I'd have it again." The Doctor murmured.

"I was afraid I wouldn't." River agreed.

"Well, Professor Song, what do you usually do of a morning in this house?"

"Breakfast for the children. Then off to work."

"The children go with you, right?"

"Yes. Amelia stays with me, Jonothon has started nursery school. He has three best friends, two girls and a boy."

"His first companions."

"I suppose they are." Then she disengaged from the Doctor and sat up. "It's Saturday, but still they'll expect their mother to make them breakfast. Well, unless Rachamim already has..." She says looking over at her bedside clock.


"He's the live-in child caretaker I hired when I went to the expedition to the Library. We didn't wake him when we came in last night and I'm not officially due back until tomorrow..."

"He?" The Doctor cringed at the note of jealousy he heard in his voice. He hadn't intended that to be so obvious.

River laughed. "Oh honey, he's my children's caretaker, not my lover."



River found she could walk slowly, with a stiff, awkward gait when she got out of bed. She dreaded the stairs down, but was determined to go down them by her own power this morning.

The Doctor recognized the look of fierce determination and knew not to sweep her up into his arms again.

The children's bedroom door stood open and they heard Jonothon's voice coming from the kitchen.

"I'll go down the stairs first, that way, if you misstep my back will be right there for you to grab onto."

River hummed non committedly, but a flash of gratitude showed in her eyes. The steps were a slow torture. Like a young toddler, she very tentatively placed one leg at a time on the next lower step, while gripping the railing for dear life.

When the Doctor reached the living room floor he turned around and looked at River who had just put her second foot on the last step. He grinned, pulled her into an embrace, and kissed her. Then he set her feet down on the living room carpet.

"Well, maybe I should be mad you didn't let me take that last step down, but I don't think I mind right now." she laughed. Then she smelled the breakfast Rachamim had made the children "Oh I hope there's some left over, that smells wonderful."

"Professor Song! Jonothon told me you'd been hurt on your expedition. I hope you are better this morning. I didn't expect you back until tomorrow." Rachamim looked at River with concern.

The Doctor felt another twinge of jealousy, this boy, went beyond pretty; he could only be described as beautiful, with dark brown, medium length, tightly curled hair, large dark brown eyes, an elegant straight nose, and a perfectly balanced face. He looked like the image of a youthful ancient Greek god.

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