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The Christmas Visit

"River! Where are you?" The Doctor had landed his Tardis in his wife's living room, but she was no where to be seen.

"The Professor is upstairs resting, Doctor." A holographic image of a female dressed much like a late Victorian England male butler appeared and answered.

The Doctor smirked at the image, he wondered if River had male holographic images dressed like maids for female visitors… well perhaps he would find out later. His new companion Clara was currently asleep in the Tardis, but the Doctor planned to spend quite some hours with his wife- upstairs. Clara was bound to wake up and wander out sometime during that time…

"Which room?"

"First door on the left."

The Doctor leered and bounded up the stairs. It had been a while for both of them. He knew River, she'd be as eager, if not more so, than he was.

He was overjoyed that the door was the same as the ones downstairs- early 21st century wooden doors with doorknobs. He grabbed the knob and banged the unlocked door open. "Hi honey, I'm home!" He grinned at his sleepy faced wife.

"Hello husband." She smiled invitingly, remaining under the covers.

He quickly closed the door behind him, one handed, with his eyes still locked on his wife. In two steps he was at her bed side, bending down to kiss her lips, while one of his hands began to work it's way under the covers.

River let out a soft moan as his hand cupped her breast through her nightie-

"Mummy, a giant blue box is downstairs. Is this my daddy?"

The Doctor abruptly removed his hand from his wife's breast and looked sharply around, a bright blush on his face. A little boy who looked about three years old with straight blond hair stood in the now open doorway staring at him.

"Yes, dearest, this is your daddy, the Doctor."

"River, our child, when? How?" He said as the child walked toward him, bright green eyes wide with curiosity.

River chuckled, "Surely honey you know how." Her eyes danced with amusement.

"Yes." He blushed anew, then looked down as his son tugged on his coat. He smiled and knelt down so that they were eye to eye.

"Daddy!" The boy abruptly threw his arms around his father's shoulders a big smile on his tiny face.

The Doctor's hearts melted with joy and he embraced his child.

"He's very affectionate." She looked warmly at the tender scene, so happy the meeting of father and son had gone so well.

"Yes, like his mother." The Doctor stood up, still holding his child and walked back to the bed. The boy cuddled against him, and the Doctor felt such joy that tears welled in his eyes. To be a father again, to hold his own child again, to feel the love from them radiating out… Then it registered what the holographic butler had said downstairs and the fact River hadn't yet got up from under the covers and looked slightly drained…"Are you unwell?"

"No more than the first time." She smiled back at his concerned face and threw back the duvet and sheet as she swung her legs off the side of the bed, changing to a sitting position.

"When?" He sat down next to her and touched the just noticeable bulge, still below her waist, for now.

She hesitated to say the words, fearing to see the raw pain back in his eyes, and to bring back her own, but it couldn't be helped, he did ask when… "After…after Manhattan."

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