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I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues

Don’t wish it away,

Don’t look at it like its forever.

They had developed a sort of routine at this point. He would arrive with a flourish, pomp and circumstance, and she would run away with him with zeal and joie de vivre. They would have one of their adventures and when he would return her to Stormcage a gloom would settle over them both.  Now it was one of those times.  They had both just helped a cruise liner over-run with Sontarans.  A serious situation that they couldn’t help but find amusement in after the fact when it was learned that the cruise was headed for a planet-wide fashion exposition.  The Sontaran’s reasons for attacking the cruise liner were dubious at best. Either way they had stopped the Sontarans and the cruise-liner had gone on it’s way. River couldn’t resist pointing out that if the Sontarans wanted to go to the fashion show they could have just bought tickets. The Doctor and River had been laughing and cheerful right until the moment the TARDIS landed at Stormcage.  Truth be told the Doctor was hoping his old ship would land them somewhere else, a new adventure, as she sometimes did. But she didn’t this time.  This time she landed inside the corridor of Stormcage just outside of River’s cell, instruments humming softly as River lovingly patted the console in an adieu.

“Well, here we are again,” the Doctor said with a false sense of cheer and a spin on his heel that he hoped would be enough to convince River he didn’t feel quite so miserable.

“Yes, here we are again, Doctor,” River smiled at him.  The smile didn’t reach her eyes and she studied him.  He knew from her penetrating gaze that she didn’t buy his chipper outlook any more than he did.

“Oh, River,” he said with a depressed sigh, pulling her close to him.  “I wish we didn’t have to do this, I wish you didn’t have to stay here.”  He kissed the crown of her head.

“But I do,” she hugged him back then whispered very quietly in his ear, “it’s the only way to keep them thinking you died at Lake Silencio, my love. It’s just…it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make for you, I just hate the times when we have to say goodbye.”

“No, not goodbye, River. It’s not a forever goodbye.  They’re just ‘farewell for nows’,” he said with a crooked smile as his thumb stroked her cheek and he gazed upon her.

Between you and me,

I could honestly say

That things can only get better.

It was a strange way to live a married life but it was them, it was the way it needed to be because, like she mentioned, they would know he was alive if they didn’t keep up the façade…he shuddered internally at the thought of what would happen then.  No, the alternative to this way of living would be a much worse existence.  Still, this situation, as River, sounding very much like her mother, had once rather fittingly put it, sucked.

“You were right though,” he mumbled into her shoulder as they stood there in their embrace, neither one of them wanting to let go.

“I know, but what about specifically this time?” she asked with blasé sass.

“This sucks.”

“I thought you were supposed to be convincing me to cheer up?” she responded while stroking the hair at the back of his head where it met his neck.  He loved when she did that, it always sent good tingles down his spine.

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