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Turkish Delight on a Moonlit Night
Chapter 6
Chapter Text
They were running.  Well he was running, she was running and shooting with a rather deadly accuracy. He didn’t know how many she had felled in the console room, pushing him ahead of her and whirling around in a haze of red plasma bursts, but she had spun and danced like some sort of deadly ballerina, dropping Aynaiblis everywhere and not missing once.

Not even once.

“Where on earth did you learn to shoot?” He exclaimed as she pushed him around a corner, firing shots behind her even as she slid around the edge and joined him.

“Not on earth.” She spoke tersely, her breathing ragged as they ran once more. “There’s too many!” The TARDIS wheezed in protest, followed by a high-pitched whir and River cocked her head, shoving him into a corner where they stilled, pressed against one another, their breathing deep and gasping. “Hang on – we can. She’s got a room. The hall of mirrors?”

“Oh yes! Forgot about that one. Eighth incarnation – he was a bit... well.” She rolled her eyes and tilted her head as if listening to something once more.

“Alright – I know where it is. We need to get there.” She poked her head round the corner, firing another volley of shots before pushing him ahead with her hip. “Come on!”

“Wait, what? Why are we leading a pack of mirror demons into a room full of mirrors?!” He shouted over his shoulder, but she was too busy shooting to answer him.

“Go left.” She shouted instead, practically shoving at his back and he tripped in the direction she’d indicated, turning down yet another corridor. The TARDIS was truly like a maze. Soon enough they slid to a halt in front of a door and River pressed her back to it, her guns held in front of her. “Open it.”

“This is a stupid plan – in fact it’s not a plan at all! Are you – are they – have they gotten to you River?”

“Oh you idiot. We can draw them all in there- roomful of mirrors; they’ll be in here as fast as they can. Once they are, we escape and shedeletes the room!” River spoke quickly and she shot a quick glance at him. “We have to stay until they’re all there though.”

“Surrounded by mirrors. Telling us to break them so they can kill us.” He repeated stupidly. “That’s so stupid it might just work.” He waved his sonic over the door, causing it to slide open behind them and they moved into the room – a long opulent hall with marble floors and velvet draperies and almost every inch of it covered in ornate mirrors.

She raised a brow and looked at him incredulously. “Do I ever meet your eighth incarnation?”

“Not that I remember.” He pointed out and she sighed in relief.

“Thank god.” They both watched the doorway as the demons flew through. They were still difficult to see, really. The alterations River had made rather amounted to equipping themselves with sonar. They couldn’t see them but they could see the sound and light waves bouncing off the general shape of them. They were small creatures that crawled up the walls and over the ceilings and generally seemed to move in a rather insect-like manner. “Doctor.” River had pressed her back against his, both of them facing a set of mirrors. A thousand reflections stared back at them. “Tell me. The next time I see you.  Is it the last?”

“No. No it isn’t River.” He blurted the words out, spoiling her carelessly, but she straightened her shoulders at the news and he could she her reflections reflected back into the mirrors on his wall, and she was smiling. His own reflection smiled at him mockingly and the Doctor pressed further into her back as he watched them, a thousand versions of himself whispering insidiously to him.

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