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The flowers that I left in the ground,
that I did not gather for you,
today I bring them all back,
to let them grow forever[.]

- Leonard Cohen, "The Flowers that I Left in the Ground"
The Spice Box of Earth


Showered: check.

Teeth brushed and breath minty fresh: check.

New suit: a very dapper check, if he does say so himself.

The Doctor gives himself a once over in the mirror, straightening the lapels of his dark grey tuxedo and patting his pockets.

Wedding ring: check.

With a reaffirming nod to his reflection, he makes his way to the console room, grabbing the bouquet of roses from the jumpseat and blows a kiss to the TARDIS.

“Wish me luck.”

The TARDIS hums bemusedly, and The Doctor rolls his eyes.

“Some help you are.”

He swears she laughs at that, but he pays it no mind. Running through his mental checklist one more time, the Doctor opens the TARDIS doors and steps out, grinning.


His smile drops as he looks up. River is scowling, arms folded under her breasts and he must admit it really does delightful things to her—

“Up here, sweetie.”

He meets her gaze.

“What’ve I done?”

Rolling her eyes, River drops her arms, and he can tell by the firm press of her lips that she’s suppressing a smirk.

Arching an eyebrow, River looks pointedly at his feet.

He looks down, frowning, then back up.


Her look hardens, and he looks down again, frantically trying to figure out why his shoes would bother her so much. They match his suit, they’re tied properly, and yes, they’re a bit dirty now, but that’s only because he’s landed in her flower bed and—


He looks up.


River steps closer and offers a hand, helping him tread lightly out of the planter. A tomato squishes under his toes, and he winces.


River sighs, but her amusement is slowly overtaking her annoyance, and when he’s safely on the gravel path leading up to her tiny house, he offers a wide grin.

“I brought you roses?”

Rolling her eyes, River takes the proffered bouquet, and he knows by the way she lingers with her nose in the petals that she’s hiding a smile. “You owe me new seeds.”

“I’ll do you one better. After the party we can go to Chimeria, The Garden Planet. You can get plants and seeds and flowers in every type imaginable at the flower market, from all over the galaxy. In fact, there’s even a plant that sings! Terribly off-key, of course, but it’s amusing for a bit and—what?”

He stops his rambling when he notices her watching him.

“We’re going to a party?”

Shit. That was supposed to be a surprise, after dinner which is also a surprise, and is it just him, or does she look really hot in his shirt?

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