79(M) Mattex

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This is the night; no matter what happens in the next few minutes, tomorrow things will be different. A day like today is not in the cards anymore, for better or worse things are going to change. If he is too much of a coward, she has to take the lead. If she interpreted every single sign wrong, she is ready to pay the price.

Eight thirty, and the streetlights have been on for over an hour. She has been staring at his window for the last fifteen minutes, considering and reconsidering her decision. After she had left her apartment and headed for his place, she had known she was not going to change her mind, but still, for these last minutes she has been trying to convince herself that this was the wrong decision. It was a tough night when one cannot agree with oneself, but she does not want to play anymore. If she is going to spend this night alone, thinking of him and wishing it was his body pressed up against her instead of the tired old pillow, it would not be by her choice.

At eight thirty, she rings his doorbell. At eight thirty on a Tuesday evening, she is done waiting.

'Alex?' He looks surprised to find her standing at his door. Why wouldn't he be? Usually she would have at least called ahead, gave him a warning or more likely be accompanied by Karen or Arthur. This time he did not deserve a warning, not after all those nights.

'Hello!' she says with a smile and plucking up all her courage, she closes the distance between them. One hand on his hip, and he looks almost shocked as she presses her body to his. His mouth is open, she can see him trying to form words, there may even be a whole sentence lingering between those lips, but the night remains silent and he does not move. She does; after all, this has only just begun. While the hand on his hip pushes away the fabric of his sweater, seeking the contact of his bare skin hidden underneath to perform this simple gesture, there was never a good enough excuse to simply caress his face, to touch his lips with something else than her own, or to run her fingers through his hair, but that does not matter anymore. Even if she had gotten the opportunity before, she is sure it would have been under the watchful eyes of dozens of onlookers, not like here tonight. Now it is just the two of them, no one is watching. She likes the feel of his stubble beneath her fingers.

His tongue darts quickly over his bottom lip and it is all the sign that she needs. Either he is about to overcome his initial shock and tell her to stop whatever this is or he is going to kiss her. She isn't going to let him make the decision, not yet. Her hand on his neck, she pulls him down until his lips touch hers. She came here tonight so a decision could be made, and she wants to be sure it will be an informed decision. When she feels his lips against hers, the slight stubble scratching her skin, he appears still overwhelmed by what is going on. She takes lead in their movement, brushing her tongue along his upper lip; he opens willingly as she seeks entrance. They have kissed before, often enough that the memory of his breath against her skin haunts her. She can feel the slight tickle on her cheek. Slipping her tongue between his lips, frantic to explore him.

Pulling back and taking a breath, her heart is racing. She had not even noticed how nervous she was before, but now, looking at him still staring at her speechless, she thinks her chest might open up with every thunderous beat of her heart. She came here with a purpose and so far, she has only accomplished the very first part. Turning and walking, no, running away was always still a possibility, but she is all too familiar with the consequences of that and she needs to know.

Her hand is flat against his chest and she gently pushes him inside his apartment. He refuses to move, one hand is still holding open the door, while his other had remained against the doorframe. She can feel his heartbeat under her palm, the rise and fall of his chest against her touch, the warmth of his body leaving her aching to complete her mission. Spurred on by the proximity of his skin, she applies a little more force and finally convinces him to take a step back. At last, inside, she lets the door fall shut behind them. Once in motion, she does not stop until he ends up pressed against his kitchen counter. Blinking and shaking his head, he finally seems to break free of his surprised state.

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