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                     Look Forward

“Keep your eyes forward, and keep a firm watch,” the Guard said to his partner. “She’s dangerous.”

“Only a very great deal,” River said with a smile. She blew the guards a kiss and walked in from the exercise yard. “Permission to return to my cell, officers?”

“Granted,” said the prison officer, keeping his gun leveled.

As River went past them she heard his partner ask, “Why are you so scared of her?”

“If you knew what she’s done.”

“Give me a break,” said the second one. “It’s obvious she’s only here because she wants to be.”

“Exactly,” said the first officer. “That’s why she’s so dangerous.”

River chuckled as she went down the halls of the Stormcage to her cell. The other inmates knew better than to whistle at her as she passed. They had learned very quickly not to mess with River Song, not to try and intimidate her, not to rifle her cell. It wasn’t worth it. But despite her towering reputation in the prison, there was someone illicitly in her cell when she got back. Someone who sat on her bed as if he belonged there.

“Hello, Sweetie,” she said smiling. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Demons Run.”

River’s smile died, and her heart twinged. “Best disable the cameras—” she began as the Doctor held up his screwdriver. “Continuous loop of the last twenty minutes before I arrived,” he said. “I need your help.”

River was wary. “Before or after?” she asked.


Her smile returned, though it wasn’t as broad as before. “Only just?”


She leaned against the bars. The Tardis was perched in the corner of her cell, crammed between the sink and her table. There was barely enough room to get the door open. “So you haven’t found me yet.”

The Doctor hesitated. Then, “No,” he admitted.

“They made it very difficult, you’re going to have a hard time.”

“Give me a hint.”

River shook her head. “I can’t do that, love. You know I can’t.”

“Why not,” the Doctor muttered, mostly to himself.

“It’s against the rules.”

“Whose rules!” the Doctor almost shouted.


“I haven’t written any rules.”

River chuckled. “Then you’d better get started, hadn’t you.”

“Gah!” The Doctor flung himself heavily against the wall, curled up atop the covers like a sulking teenager.

River slid in and perched beside him. “You’re frustrated.”

The Doctor only grumbled.

River knew he was young, but she also knew she was given a great deal of leeway even when he was. Particularly now that he knew who she was — mostly. She slipped in under his arm and snuggled her head against his chest. The Doctor held her as if it was normal, so that was good. It was hard pinning down the progression of their relationship. The mention of Demons Run always made her want to be held, anyway. “You’ll find me,” she whispered into his chest. “I swear to you.”

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