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Chapter 4: come fly with me
Chapter Text
Prompt: River x Doctor, 1960s pilot and stewardess

He loved to fly. Always had, even when he was a kid. He’d climbed the oak tree in front of his house at age five and jumped out - broke one arm and a leg when he hit the ground. But boy had those five seconds in the air been worth it.

He liked the surge of the engines under his feet, the hum of the floor plates, the rolling and pitching when they hit turbulence. And of course, he quite liked the stewardesses too. Women who had a taste for adventure - they came and went on their journey from bright, innocent inquisitiveness to the shackles of marriage. It was never a career for them.

Which was a damn shame, because who could ever give up their wings just to settle down in some back water town and reminisce about how they saw the world from 10,000 feet? Not him - he'd fly forever.

"Coffee boys?" The cockpit door opened behind them and the pilot glanced back.

"I'm good, thanks Song. Alright there, Doctor?" Jack, the pilot, looked over at him and he shrugged.

"Nah, I'll go get it myself in a minute. No need to distract the ladies. Got enough work to be getting on with, I think." He kept his eyes on the sky in front of him, and heard her soft laugh behind him. It was a rich soft sound that curled like smoke around him.

"Well aren't you a rarity. Just shout if you need anything." The door slid shut again and Jack glanced over at him.

"Glad we have River on this flight." Jack spoke casually. "Best purser there is, really. Have you flown with her before?"

"Nah - first time. River? Think I'd remember a name like that." The Doctor responded with a grin and Jack chuckled.

"Oh you'd remember more than that."


He was pouring coffee for himself and Jack, nodding to the stewardesses coming in and out of the galley. Some he knew, some he didn't. He was pouring a far too generous amount of sugar in his own coffee when he heard that same laugh behind him. "And you actually make good on your claims. Impressive."

He turned around, opening his mouth to respond only to have absolutely no sound come out. She was... well. She was gorgeous. A mass of curly hair pinned back and he could just imagine what it would look like free of its constraints. Her smile was warm, her lips full and generous and her eyes sparkled with a wit and intelligence he was unaccustomed to seeing. She was also quite a bit older than him - and he found himself instantly intrigued. She wasn't the young, too-skinny, vapid girls that usually filled this job. "River, right?"

"River Song." She held out a hand and he grinned, putting his cup back down so he could shake it. It was soft and small in his own and he felt a strange tingle shoot up his arm, straight to his heart, felt like. It reminded him of when he was five - falling through the air. “And you are?”

“They call me Doctor.”

“Who does?”

“Everyone.” He shrugged, running his hand through his hair and grinning shyly.

“What’s your real name?” She smiled with curiosity and he tapped her on the nose, startling her.


“Must be bad if you prefer Doctor. I bet I can get it out of you.” She looked him over like he was suddenly a personal challenge and he laughed, leaning in to her.

“Tell you what, River. You’re welcome to try.”


He asked her to dinner almost as soon as they landed. She eyed him up and down, before arching her brow and agreeing. Jack laughed almost as soon as she left the cabin.

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