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He watches her from across the console knowing that she isn't paying him any attention. No, River Song is wrapped up in flying the TARDIS.

The Doctor has never seen anyone so single-minded in their concentration. His mouth twitches as he catalogues her expression. Her eyes focus on the display and her bottom lip catches between her teeth. Her hands fly over the controls as she dances this way and that. She twirls around him as if he isn't even there.

Which is why her sudden question surprises him.

"Are you a father, Doctor?"

He blinks and stutters. 

River slides a sideways glance at him and the corner of her mouth curls up into a smile. She pushes the lever into its resting position, and while the TARDIS shudders to a halt, she turns to face him, the question still dancing in her eyes.

"Why do you ask?" he says, tugging at his collar. She is so young, this version of her, and he is still such a mystery to her. She'd barely been locked up in Stormcage for half a dozen years. How could he explain all of their history?

He smiles and tells her something she told him years ago, when he was so young. "It has to be lived."


He rushes towards the doors as the TARDIS lands, barely able to keep his feet, and just as he opens the door, a hand latches onto his lapel and he is dragged through into the the waiting arms of River Song.

She kisses him fiercely. He's getting used to it, all this kissing business. Quite likes it, actually, the way her tongue slides into his mouth and her hands slip under his jacket. She's hot, fiery hot, like a bright burning ember in his arms. He thinks he's starting to master the art of kissing her back, fancies himself a bit of an expert at kissing River, except she's always one step ahead of him, somehow, so when he drops his hand to the curve of her arse for the first time, the aggressive growl in the back of her throat surprises him.

He pulls back with a gasp, and finally, finally, their surroundings register in his peripheral vision. Opulence. Gold. Silk. Red.

"River... where are we?"

She smirks and her fingers are making quick work of the buttons and zip of his trousers. "The Forbidden City. This is the Emperor's private bedchamber. I thought you'd approve."

He frowns because she's pulling his trousers down and he doesn't want to ask why, because he knows why, it's just that they've never... not before... at least not from his perspective, but she hasn't noticed yet... "Which Emperor?" he manages to squeak out.

"Does it matter, Sweetie?" She cups him through his underpants and he sucks in a breath. This is different. It's been so long, not since... but that doesn't matter, because River's clever fingers are doing things to him, and it shouldn't surprise him that his body, this body, likes it. "The guards could hear something and walk in any second you know. Let's make this quick, shall we?"

His eyes go wide as she kneels in front of him. He's pressed up against the TARDIS doors, the cool, smooth wood against his back keeps him from falling as River finally tugs his underpants down with one hand, and encircles him with another. "Wait, what? No... what are you doing? River!" He tips his head back and groans.

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