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Turkish Delight on a Moonlit Night
Chapter 5
Chapter Text
It took several hours to gather all the passengers again in the dining car, but soon enough the Doctor was standing in a knot of people, discussing plans. “Isis and I will go to the – go to first class, and I will perform my ritual.” The Doctor winced slightly at his almost slip-up but the three remaining guards nodded solemnly, their faces blank masks. “Rory, Amy, you two stay here-”

“But why? Why can’t we go with you?” Amy spoke in a hushed whisper and the Doctor grimaced, turning to the three guards.

“It’d be best if you explain what’s happening to the remaining passengers in small groups. Best start now.” He spoke solicitously, but all three men snapped to attention, nodding and accepting the kindly worded order for what it was, and trudged off. He turned to Amy with a sigh. “Frankly – River understands the mechanics of the TARDIS, Amy. I need her with me. As much as I’d like to keep all of us together, that would look suspicious.  And you need to help these men keep this crowd calm. Just remember not to let slip anything about who we really are.”

Rory nodded in understanding. “Right, you’re both gods, we’re mere mortals. Not so difficult, when you think about it.” Amy glared at him and stepped in closer to the Doctor, hugging him tightly.

“Fine, but you be careful.  I’d be less worried if you didn’t already have an immense ego and propensity toward vanity.” Amy teased and River snorted indelicately behind him. The Doctor wrapped his arms around Amy, returning her hug before he stepped back.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He sniffed and straightened his lapels and Amy moved over to hug River – something that clearly surprised the older woman, but she returned it with that same indescribable look on her face the Doctor had noticed yesterday.

“I’m glad you’re okay, River.” Amy whispered and pulled back with a smile. “Take care of him, eh?”

“Hey, excuse me, but she was the one injured yesterday – if anything you should be tasking me with taking care of her, Pond.” The Doctor protested and River and Amy shot him nearly identical looks of complete scepticism. The Doctor glanced uneasily at Rory who shrugged.

“That’s weird.” Rory observed. But he too stepped past the Doctor to give River a nervous hug. “Me too though – I mean, I’m glad you’re alright. Not that we know each other that well, but you save the world a time or two with someone and you know – you form a bond.” Rory spoke quickly, and Amy pulled him away with a roll of her eyes.

“Rory Pond, I have shown you the entire universe and yet you give River good bye hugs and not me? Oh I see how it is. Right. Fine.” The Doctor spoke in a hurt tone and Rory heaved a sigh before pulling him into a swift hug, clapping the Doctor on the shoulder once.

“Right. We’ll see you both soon. Close the links and figure out some timey-wimey genius way for us to see these things-” Amy started and River arched a brow at her.

“And then the fun really begins. I can’t wait to have a word with these things.” She spoke in a soft tone and they all stared at her for a beat before Rory cleared his throat awkwardly.

“Right. Well. On that, frankly a bit scary note, off you go.” River simply grinned and walked past the Doctor to the opposite doors, ducking through the small opening. The Doctor nodded at both the Ponds before he hurried after her, squeezing through the hole himself and jogging to catch up to her impatient strides.

“In a rush?” He questioned her as he caught up and she threw him an incredulous glance.

“No, sweetie. Course not – just a bit of life and death. We always stroll along in these types of circumstances.” She answered him with a bite in her tone and he glanced at her fearfully.

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