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Star Kiss
Chapter 2
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text
When the Doctor stepped into the console room he knew something was wrong. It took him a few seconds to realize was it was: the door of the Tardis was opened to the void and River was standing outside. His heartbeat raced for a second, before he saw the comforting flashing light of the atmosphere being extended, and he breathed easier.

River turned back and smiled, waving at him before focusing on the starry space again. He walked carefully in her direction and stopped when he reached the doorway. River was a few inches in front of him, her feet floating into space, standing into the void like it was the most natural thing for her. She was looking at the stars around her with a look of concentration on her face. He could name all of those stars, he had landed at least on the half of them, knew their histories and their people, had saved some of them and could not help the others, they were all strong and old, they were there before him and would still live after he was gone. He should feel small, he should feel impressed, he should doubt his ability to take care of all of them, but somehow he felt more safe and more powerful than ever, because there was his wife with him, facing those shining lights like they were hers, like they were home and it was where she belonged.

"How many do you think there are?" she asked.

He scanned the space around him for a few seconds. "One hundred twenty-eight --"

She laughed, cutting him. "It was rhetorical." she added and he frowned. "Not knowing is even better. The exact number is... I don't know, it's like it makes it concrete and touchable but it isn't. For normal people at least." she turned back and winked at him. "Do you think you could forget you're a Time Lord for a minute and just see how mysterious and big and beautiful is it?"

He smiled. He didn't need to make any effort to understand all of that: sometimes he listened to her and looked at her and felt like he was facing the biggest secret of the universe, and none of his Time lord-y skills could help him.

They stayed silent for a while, her lost in the contemplation of the universe, and him of her.

"Do you think we could visit one of them?" she finally asked.

"Of course, choose the one you want." She pointed out one of the stars in front of them and he nodded.

She turned back then, reaching out to come back in the Tardis, but he grabbed and kissed her while she was still floating in space. Maybe sometimes he couldn't understand her and maybe sometimes he was completely lost with her, but she was his wife, he was hers and she was his, and when they kissed, all the stars of the whole universe were theirs.

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