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for death begins with life’s first breath and life begins at touch of death

It didn’t feel like death.

It felt like life.

Singing through his body, pouring through him in a golden cascade. He could feel her, everywhere all at once. His mind, his hearts, his soul, the very blood that poured through his veins. She was everything, everywhere, infinite within him. His eyes opened.

“River, no. What are you doing?” He whispered the words and could see the smile in her eyes. It was a look of recognition, of acceptance. He could feel her hands on his face, the fingertips brushing gently against his skin as she smiled and leaned closer.

“Hello sweetie.” She whispered before her mouth covered his and his hearts burst into motion in his chest, beating a rapid tattoo against his ribcage. Her energy poured through him and he could count lives going by, marking each one in his mind. His arms stretched out, the regeneration energy flowing up and around them and it was too much, he could feel it. Too much.

Finally he was able to lift his arms, they felt sluggish and slow, but he dragged them through the waves of energy and gripped her shoulders pushing her away and whispering. “Stop, stop, please, it’s too much.” He wasn’t sure if she heard him or not, because she fell against his chest, a heavy weight and he could feel her hearts beating over his, so he relaxed his grip as the golden glow around them subsided.

Amy and Rory rushed over to him. “Doctor!” Amy skidded to a halt and dropped to her knees and he shifted, his arms wrapping around River and pulling her closer as he sat up.

“Don’t touch her! Don’t – just don’t – don’t touch her. We have to- to – we have to go. Go where? No no – not here. Some when.” He shifted River in his arms as he spoke and Amy and Rory stared at him in confusion.

“Doctor is she alright?” Amy asked, and he ignored her, sliding his arm under River’s legs and standing. He paused for a moment – the energy helped but he was still unsteady. Rory moved over by him, his hands reaching out and the Doctor flinched back.

“Doctor I can help. I’m a nurse.” Rory stated and the Doctor shook his head.

“Much experience with Timelord physiology then Rory? She’s not human.” He shifted her weight in his arms, pulling her higher and closer to him and her hair brushed against his neck. Her skin still glowed faintly and he shook his head. “The transfer is still in progress. She’s slowed it down but it’s not finished and you cannot touch her. I’m sorry.” He turned on his heel and moved up the steps to his TARDIS, with Amy and Rory close on his heels. The doors opened before he’d even reached them and he muttered a thanks to the old girl as he entered the console room. “Sisters of the Infinite Schism.” He muttered the words as he collapsed to the floor, River still in his arms.

The doors snapped shut behind Amy and Rory and the TARDIS took off. “Wait – it can fly itself?” Amy asked with a frown. Since when?”

“Not normally. Special circumstances.” He whispered, shifting River in his arms and pressing his face into her hair. “You stupid, stupid girl.” He whispered in between pressing soft kisses to her hair. “It was too much.”

“Too much what?” Rory asked, and the Doctor looked up to see them kneeling, arms wrapped around each other as they looked on worriedly. They were a few feet away though and he nodded.

“She used all of them. All of her regenerations.” He glanced down at River’s face as he spoke. He slid his arm from under her legs and brought it up to the side of her face. It trembled against her skin and he swallowed heavily. So stupid of her. To give him them all.

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