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may your song always be sung


“Oh come on, River. It’ll be fun. Plus you can’t blame me for this, you were the one driving, Miss. I-drive-better-than-you.” He shook a finger in her face before twirling with a grin.

“That’s Doctor I-drive-better-than-you – and these are not the coordinates I entered. And there is no way in hell I am going to step foot into that place.” She responded, crossing her arms with a huff. He turned around, observing her for a moment before he stepped in so close to her that she had to press her back against the wooden doors of his ship.

“She takes us where we need to go, River.” He spoke thoughtfully, looking down at her.

“Well as much as you may need to go to a ridiculous place like this-” The Doctor shushed her by pressing a finger to her lips and shaking his head.

“I don’t think this is for me River. You know it occurs to me that you’ve always been grown-up. Probably even when you were a little girl.”

“So what?” She mumbled around his finger, her shoulders lifting as she spoke. He moved his finger, dropping it down to trace the outline of her mouth, his eyes soft. He gripped her chin and tilted her head up until she met his eyes.

“What’s the point of being grown up if you’re not childish sometimes?  You never even got that River. And that’s my fault.”

“Oh it is not your fault.” She rolled her eyes with a sigh. “And I’m perfectly happy – and I wouldn’t trade any of it – not for the world.” She rose on her tiptoes and pressed a soft kiss to his mouth. His hand released her chin, sliding along under her jaw until his fingers were tangled in her hair and he was pressing her against the doors, lost in the taste of her. He broke away with a pant and glared down at the unrepentant woman before him.

“You’re trying to distract me.”

“And it’s working.” She grinned as she rolled her hips into his. He growled in frustration, gripping her shoulders and shoving himself away from her forcibly.

“No. It is not. River Song, you need fun. Far too grown-up. Come on, we’ll fix that.” He gripped her hand securely and all but dragged her along behind him.

“Doctor, come on. There are a million places I would rather go. Egypt – see the pyramids in all their glory! There’s a galaxy in the Sendra sector that has simultaneous supernovas-”

“Boring.” He shouted over his shoulder, pulling her through the crowd. “You need this. Otherwise we wouldn’t have come here. Hello! Two please.” The Doctor slapped credits down in front of the bored looking attendant.

“Doctor, there are children all over and-”

“I know! I love kids.” He grinned and glanced around.

“-we look odd. We don’t have a child. And even though you are an overgrown nine-year-old-”

“Oi!” He took their tickets with a smile of thanks and took her hand again, dragging her along behind him as they passed through the gates. “You really ought to stop calling me that now that we’re married. It just says terrible things about you River. Now come on. What should we see first?” He pulled a map seemingly out of nowhere and she sighed, crossing her arms. “Oh wait, wait, let me see if I can guess. Hmmm, what would River Song love... penguins!” She arched a brow at him and he pocketed the map, wrapping an arm around her waist and propelling her forward. “You seem like a penguin kind of person. Am I right?”

“Well I haven’t got anything against them.” She muttered reluctantly and he grinned.

“But are they your favourite? Wait! Don’t tell me. I’ll know if I’m right when we get there.”  He felt her sigh and drop her arms as she allowed him to push her gently along. She stepped into him, and slipped an arm around his waist. “See? I knew I could get you to enjoy it!”

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