174(M) spacewives

179 5 0

the reality of everything


Chapter 1: Prologue

"Welcome, fam, to the planet of Aquarion!" The Doctor waves her arm in a flourish as she throws open the Tardis doors.

Yaz, Ryan and Graham see miles and miles of sandy beach and open seas - and no one else to disturb them.

"Oh, wow," Yaz says in wonder, her eyes immediately drawn to the beautiful blue waters. She turns to the Doctor. "Is this whole planet just a giant beach?"

"Yep," the Doctor confirms, nodding. "It was inhabited by humans for a while over a thousand years ago but the dangerous weather patterns forced everyone to relocate."

Graham's head swivels. "Doc, did you just say 'dangerous weather patterns'?"

"Yep," the Doctor nods again. The other three exchange looks of fear and confusion before the Doctor notices. "Oh, yes - no need to worry, I landed us in the middle of summer. Monsoon season isn't for a few more months."

"Well, great! Let's hit the beach!" Ryan says enthusiastically, moving to exit the Tardis and head towards the sand.

"Uh - before that, you'll need to grab yourselves two bottles of sunscreen." The Doctor says, hurrying to stand between Ryan and the Tardis doors.

Graham holds up a tiny bottle. "I'm all set."

"You just had that lying around in your pockets?" Ryan asks.

"You never know when you'll need sunscreen. 'Always be prepared'. That's what your nan says," Graham says.

"You'll need a lot more sunscreen than that." The Doctor scrunches her face at the tiny bottle. "Enough to cover your whole body. This planet is surrounded by four suns."

Yaz's head peeks out of the Tardis. "I don't see any suns." The Doctor raises her eyebrows at her, and it clicks. "Are you telling me that the suns are so close the skies are literally all sun?"

"Bingo!" The Doctor says, clapping her hands and pointing at Yaz. "Smart girl. Gold star for you." The Doctor walks towards the doors and looks up at the sky. "Don't worry, the suns aren't hot. But they do give out a lot of UV rays, just like at home, but much stronger here. You won't burn to death, but if you stay out for more than half an hour without sunscreen, you might get skin cancer."

Graham pockets his tiny sunscreen bottle and clears his throat. "So I guess we'll all go and get the sunscreen then. Coming, Doc?"

Just then, the Tardis starts beeping with a message. "In a second," the Doctor says, ushering them towards their rooms. "Pack beach clothes, yeah?"

"Voice interface activated." The Tardis sounds, and the Doctor frowns.

"Voice interface? For what?"

"There is an incoming call for the Doctor."

"From who?"




"Is it a distress signal?"


The Doctor squints her eyes at the console. "You're not doing this to annoy me on purpose, are you?"

"The caller has left a message for you. Would you like to hear it?"

The Doctor looks behind her, towards where her friends are currently chatting merrily, looking forward to their first real vacation in months. Since then, they've been helping out in various wars, signing peace treaties and stopping invasions, and they haven't had a real opportunity to relax in literally ages. They'll be quite disappointed to find out that their trip will be disrupted by yet another call for help.

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