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hoping their grace will get stuck in my shoes

Breaking in is so much easier than breaking out, he reasons.

And for once he knows that he will not end up at the wrong time or place, he knows this trip barely needs any guidance from him at all – it is his TARDIS embracing her child. And the old girl always knew where he needed to be. He doesn’t want to face the image of her in prison, behind those bars (even though he’s seen it before and will again, but right now that is a serrated blade of a thought turned sharply in his chest) so he materialises around River.

The TARDIS. Wrapping herself around his wife and folding her into their space.

She is curled up on the floor by the doors, her face buried in her knees and he sends them into the Vortex once more before he makes his way down to her. She looks up as he approaches, fear and longing etched across her face. “You have to take me back!” She pushes herself up, scrambling to her feet as she glares at him. “Doctor, you have to take me back!”

Her hair is wild about her face and he smiles, a crooked grin that confuses her, and his smile only widens as he watches that confusion spread across her face. “I don’t have to do anything, River Song.” He responds with a grin and she takes a deep breath, breathing it slowly out through her nose in order maintain her calm. “I left out the honour and obey parts on purpose you know.  I may be an old fool in love, but even I’m not delusional enough to believe we’d ever do as we’re told.”

She is staring at him with an incredulous expression and she puts a hand on her hip as her stare morphs into a glare before his very eyes.  “If I’m not in that cell – what’s the point of having done it all, Doctor? If you just plan on popping in and out at your whim, why bother putting up the ruse at all?”

“Oh they’ll never know.” He dismisses her worries easily, with a wave of his hand. “Or they’ll assume it’s a younger me – time-traveller, you know, River.” He lifts his brows as he looks down at her, but her expression hasn’t eased and if anything, she looks angrier than she was a moment ago.

“So what?” She scoffs, looking singularly unimpressed with him. “You just pop by when you have the time and take me out for a run like the dog? Would seem a bit cruel to leave me all caged in like that, would it?” Her eyes are the brightest green he’s ever seen them – not even when he showed up in that diner after she’d watched him die. Again. He steps back, because an angry River usually means slaps – mean ones at that. “I don’t want it, take me back.” She crosses her arms and he half-waits a moment to see if she’s going to stamp her foot as well. She is so very young, but he refrains from mentioning it – knowing she would definitely slap him in that case.

“Are you quite finished?” He asks after a moment and she gapes at him, her jaw dropping as her gaze narrows. “I’ve no intention of taking you back. Not tonight.”

“What’s so special about tonight?” Irritation laces the question, and her eyes all but shoot sparks at him. His hearts speed up at the sight of her, hair wild, eyes flashing, cheeks flushed – she is particularly gorgeous, especially when she’s angry.

He steps in closer again, until there is almost no space between his body and hers, her crossed arms brush against his chest when she takes a deep breath. “It’s our wedding night, River. You can’t be mad at me on our wedding night. That’s no proper way to start off a marriage.”

“It’s not our wedding night.” She sighs in exasperation and she throws her arms up as she speaks.

“Well obviously I had to wait for you to be transferred to Stormcage, so technically no - I suppose for you some time has passed-”

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