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the coolness of your smile is stirringofbirds between my arms;

“Sweetie, you’ve missed the landing.” She leans out of the door, glancing down the curving hallway that leads toward her cell – just around the bend.

“And what, the walk will kill you, Dr. Song?” He is right behind her, his chest pressed to her back and his hands at her waist as he presses a soft kiss to the nape of her neck.

“And this is the service I get, on my birthday no less?” She chides him, turning to loop her arms around his neck and smile up at him brightly. He is very nearly linear with her this time, and as always when that happens, she is reluctant to leave.

“Well if you’d tell me how old you are, maybe I’d re-park her.” He is teasing now, sliding his lips against her cheek, up to her ear and his tongue flicks out there as she sighs happily. His mouth drags down the line of her jaw and she tilts her head back with a throaty chuckle.


“Always with the spoilers.” He murmurs the words against her skin, but then he freezes, pulling back to look down at her seriously. “River,”

His voice is unusually serious, and she sobers, frowning up at him. “What is it, sweetie?”

“Did you have fun today? I wanted it to be special – I wanted it to – it’s special.” He stresses the word, his eyes dark as he looks at her and she feels a frisson of icy fear slide down her spine. Her birthday is always special. But he is saying this like this one needs to be more special.

“It was special, of course it was – I loved it honey, you know that.” She rushes to answer him, her hands grasping his arm as she grins up at him, trying to reassure him, calm this agitation that she can’t quite pinpoint.

“I love you.” His voice is a whisper, and he cradles her face in his hands. “So, so much – and always, River. You have to remember that.”

She feels her hearts seize in her chest. Is he warning her? That this is when it changes, and he starts knowing her less? But – but she’s still so young, she feels so young and it’s as if no time at all has passed since she kissed him twice in Berlin and changed the entire landscape of her life. “Doctor,” her voice is worried and then suddenly, as if it were a cloud passing over the sun, he is smiling again, kissing her and kissing her and kissing her like he is as reluctant to let her leave as she is to go. “I love you too, sweetie.” She breathes the words out and he hugs her to him, his arms wrapping around her and holding her against his chest. She wraps her arms around his waist and they sway for a moment, simply feeling the beat of his hearts over hers.

“I’m sorry.” He whispers the words into her hair, kissing her temple and she smiles in confusion. “I shouldn’t be ruining your birthday.”

“Hardly that, Doctor.” She teases him warmly and pulls back, kissing him once more. “But if I don’t leave now, I never will, and I have a sentence to keep up.”

“I wish you didn’t.” His voice is low and he pushes a palm against her cheek, stroking the skin there. “I wish you didn’t have to do that for me, River.”

“I chose to, and I’m happy. Besides which – I’ll see you in a few hours, sweetie.” She rises on tiptoe and kisses him one last time, soft and sweet, his tongue brushing against the inside of her mouth, oh so gently. His hands are soft on her face, and when he pulls away she is smiling dreamily up at him. “I’ll see you soon.”

“Not if I see you first,” his grin is back, and she smiles at him as she picks up her skates and fur muff.

“Cheater.” She scolds him and he shrugs.

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