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     I love it when you give me things

She’s sitting at the edge of the cliff, looking at the ocean with sad, melancholic eyes. He approaches softly, hesitating. River doesn’t like showing her emotions, at least not the ones she thought that makes her weak ( always hide the damage ) and he doesn’t know if she will appreciate his interruption. But she turns to him and pats the empty space next to her, inviting, and it’s the only permission he needs. He almost runs to the place and sits as carefully as he can - it wouldn’t help her mood to kill himself by tripping and crashing at the bottom of the cliff, would it?

She doesn’t say anything, doesn’t move, and for a while they just sit next to each other, the wind blowing a soft breeze that makes her hair gently fly around her head, drops of salt and water trapped between her curls. He watched them as they sway, hypnotising, tempting, and he can’t resist to catch a strand; it runs between his fingers, soft despite the dampness, before bouncing back in place. And he knows genetics and physics can explain its texture, its colour, its movement, but there’s nothing in the entire universe that would ever be able to find the reason why her hair seem to be the most amazing thing he has ever seen.

River chuckles and he realises he must have said the latest words out loud.

“Thank you, Sweetie.”

She doesn’t smile for a long time through, frowning as she seems to see him properly for the first time since he’s been here.

“Doctor,” she asks softly, “what happened to your jacket?”

He glances at the piece of clothing, or what remains of it; there’s a big hole on the right side, and a few lacerations on the left. “Oh, that.” He clears his throat. “I kinda found myself here in another time. Do you know that seventy million years ago there was nothing more than a lake instead of an ocean? Just a big pond with a whole jungle around it. Big trees and all.”

“You tripped on a stone and fell in the lake?” she asks, still trying to understand the state of his jacket.

“What? No, no, I didn’t.” He shook his head, but River just raised an eyebrow at him - she just knew him too well, doesn’t she? “It wasn’t a stone, but a dinosaur,” he eventually gave up with a sigh. “A little thing, not more than twenty inches long. Its tail was just lying on the ground and I didn’t see it.”

River laughs, a clear, pure sound to his ears. If he feels constricted by telling her the story of how-I-almost-get-myself-killed-again-by-being-clumsy , the melody of her laughter makes him feel better.

“This thing was really aggressive you know, and it wouldn’t even hear my apologies. It just jumped on me and started eating my jacket, I had to hit him a few times before he eventually dropped.”

“My poor Doctor,” she tries to stop laughing but doesn’t totally manage. “But what would you be doing over there? Did you enter the wrong coordinates again and landed in the wrong century?”

He shrugs and looks down, feeling himself blushing despite all his efforts not to. She must misinterpret his shyness though, because she clearly looks surprised when he shakes his head. “No, no, I didn’t get it wrong. I was looking for this.”

He reaches in the only pocket of his jacket left, pulling out a couple of little white flowers. River gasps at he holds them out.

“You got me prehistoric flowers!”

All traces of her previous sadness completely disappear as she takes them with precaution before kissing him on the cheek, and he can’t help but smile. He could have died for those flowers, but as he sees her like that he knows it was worth the risk.

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